796. Telegram 881 from Geneva1

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881. From Johnson.

Two hour meeting this morning with no new developments. Wang opened with statement attacking “stepping up” of slanderous attacks and false charges by US spokesmen. Secretary’s Canberra statement was “particular evidence this campaign poison atmosphere and try slander China in order arrest improvement Sino-American relations”. This contrary attitude of even American people where even including “some occupying important positions were speaking out for change in US ostrich policy toward China”. USG “trying through renunciation force doctrine induce China recognize present status American control over Taiwan”. Military control over Taiwan being “incessantly intensified” extending military bases and planning install guided missiles. “Aggressive steps by US in Taiwan would only enable all Chinese patriots including those now on Taiwan recognize” US attempting enslave Chinese nation. Chinese people desire “be kindly terms” with American people. Referring to FMC, trade and cultural proposals “if there will and desire” by US improve relations should get down to serious discussion rather than entangling talks by introducing side issues.

I carried out theme paragraph 1 Deptel 895 pointing out PRC had agreed civilians first matter and by refusing to solve was one blocking progress. Agreed announcement was also test good faith and value of agreements but had operated only to advantage PRC. American spokesmen had and would continue express growing sense outrage of American people against PRC bad faith in carrying out [Facsimile Page 2] that agreement. PRC failure resolve question American civilians belied their professions desire improve relations, et cetera. Also cited failure PRC agree renunciation force.

Give and take centered almost entirely around implementation with Wang reiterating familiar charges, and I reiterating theme only way to progress was carrying out agreed announcement, citing GOI and UK as proofs of who had demonstrated good faith with respect agreement. During course give and take informed him departure of Lee Li-chuen.

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Meeting closed on note my blunt reiteration release Americans and renunciation force essential.

He accepted my proposal next meeting Thursday April 11.

Full record by pouch leaving tonight.

Returning Prague tomorrow morning.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/3–1457. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Saigon unnumbered for Robertson.