638. Telegram 2090 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

2090. For Johnson.

Following is draft text letter we propose sending Chinese prisoners. Draft not finally approved here but would appreciate your comments. We are considering having you give Wang copy at June 8 meeting.


There is enclosed a copy of the Agreed Announcement issued at Geneva on September 10, 1955.

The responsible United States authorities have decided that the provisions of the Agreed Announcement will be applied to your case. In the near future, you will be given an opportunity to state formally whether you elect to continue serving your sentence in the United States subject to prevailing regulations, or whether you prefer to be discharged expeditiously from prison for the sole purpose of immediate and direct travel to China. If you apply for parole or commutation of sentence for this purpose, the American authorities concerned will give prompt consideration to your application.

You will later be visited to verify that you have been informed [Facsimile Page 2] of this opportunity to be deported, and to ascertain whether you elect to be deported, so that the necessary arrangements can be made. The [Typeset Page 1031] warden of the prison where you are confined will notify you in advance of the arrangements for the visit. UNQUOTE

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/6–556. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Clough.