626. Telegram 2066 to Geneva1
Washington, May 29, 1956, 8:12
2066. For Johnson.
- 1.
- Your 1928 re optional return to Mainland China of Chinese alien criminals imprisoned in this country. Department has decided proceed promptly with course B Deptel 2023. May 28 letter from Justice states that parole for deportation of all State prisoners can be arranged. Some Federal cases more difficult where minimum time for parole eligibility not yet served but release for deportation possible through Presidential action which we believe obtainable.
- 2.
- Plan is for concerted action be taken May 31 by you with Wang and by Department with Indian Embassy. We will point out that Agreed Announcement does not require us take any action regarding Chinese common criminals serving sentences in this country but that we are nevertheless affording such criminals opportunity of immediate voluntary return Mainland China, thus removing any semblance of basis for Chinese Communist allegation of US non-compliance with Agreed Announcement. We have decided permit Indian Embassy representatives to interview all 34 Chinese alien criminals and ascertain for themselves which ones desire return Communist China. Decision of each prisoner must be confirmed by him to responsible American [Facsimile Page 2] authorities. Necessary machinery for release and voluntary deportation will be put into motion in each case only after we are satisfied that prisoner has freely made decision to return. Appropriate communication quoting Agreed Announcement and informing prisoners of choice before then and prospective visit of Indian Representative, will be delivered in near future.
- 3.
- Department contemplates no repeat no follow-up approach by O’Neill in Peiping for time being. We believe chances of favorable action by Chinese Communists on American prisoners will be improved if we refrain from applying pressure for a time. Our action is in part predicated on assumption that Chinese Communists will require a face saving procedure for belated compliance with Agreed Announcement and immediate pressure tactics would not be consistent with this theory.
- 4.
- Chinese and British Embassies here will be informed in confidence of our decision morning 31st. No present publicity contemplated and no decision will be made as to future publicity awaiting further developments. Your comments on publicity question requested.
Your instructions for next meeting will outline presentation to be made on this subject to Wang.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/5–2556. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by McConaughy; cleared in draft by Phleger and by Rountree (NEA) and Jones (SOA).↩