483. Telegram 1474 from Geneva1
Geneva, February 9, 1956, 4
1474. From Johnson.
- 1.
- Four hour fifty minute meeting this morning. No progress whatsoever. Only unusual development Wang took twenty minute recess immediately following my opening statement. Although I received impression this was for purpose conferring on whether my opening statement fitted in with some contingent action they had planned, [Typeset Page 730] subsequent developments in meeting gave no indication as to what it might have been.
- 2.
- General impression is that while no sign whatever any shift their position, threat of break on renunciation force has somewhat receded.
- 3.
- He was prepared omit any discussion implementation today but in response my initiative again took strong line on Liu Yung-ming, Taiwan entry permits, lists of Chinese US prisons, alleged US attempt force application for permanent residence, etc.
- 4.
- Because of Spring Festival he asked for next meeting Feb. 20 and when I hesitated, suggested Feb. 18 which I accepted.
- 5.
- Departing for Prague tomorrow morning.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/2–956. Confidential; Niact; Limit Distribution.↩