475. Telegram 1453 from Geneva1
Geneva, February 4, 1956, 4
1453. From Johnson.
- 1.
- Five-hour meeting this morning, three hours of which on renunciation, two hours on implementation. No perceptible progress on renunciation and attempt in implementation lay groundwork for renunciation September 10 agreement on basis US failure implement. Should anticipate heavy propaganda play by Peiping radio this regard with particular emphasis Liu Yung-Ming case fantastically charging our objection to his departure 1949 drove him to insanity, and while subsequently cured, his confinement on ship and “pressure” brought on him has caused recurrence insanity.
- 2.
- With respect renunciation, threat break off meetings unless we withdraw self-defense clause clearly made coupled with demand Foreign Ministers meeting.
- 3.
- Next meeting Thursday February 9. Am departing Prague tonight returning Tuesday.
FE Message Center notified 2/4/ 11:20 a.m. EMB (CWO)
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/2–456. Confidential; Niact; Limit Distribution.↩