470. Circular Telegram 5001
Washington, January 27, 1956, 6:09
500. Joint State–USIA.
Department and Agency request telegraphic report reaction to Chinese Communist foreign office statement January 18 concerning Ambassadorial talks at Geneva, Department’s reply January 21 and rebuttal by Chinese Communist foreign office January 24. Report should cover same points listed circular 426 December 23.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–2756. Confidential. Drafted by Henderson; cleared in USIA, NEA/P, EUR/P, and by Clough. Sent to Bangkok, Bern, Bombay, Brussels, Bonn, Calcutta, Colombo, Djakarta, Hong Kong, London, Madras, Manila, New Delhi, Paris, Rangoon, Rome, Saigon, Singapore, Stockholm, Taipei, and Tokyo.↩