468. Telegram 1426 from Geneva1
1426. From Johnson.
Comments on yesterday’s meeting:
Extreme position adopted by CHICOM with respect self-defense clause which they full well recognize would never be accepted by US, together with their public statements, may represent new policy [Typeset Page 701] decision make no further efforts arrive at agreement with US on renunciation force declaration. Their tactic now appears be thereby utilize demonstrated inability these talks make progress to support public campaign and political pressures for FonMin meeting and in general try establish posture of their repeated efforts negotiate “reduction tensions in Taiwan area” being rebuffed or frustated by US. They may feel that if they are successful in this it would tend free their hands military action against offshore islands. To support this they may desire these talks be continued pro forma for time being or at least not be willing accept onus for breaking them off. In this regard Wang made no threats at yesterday’s meeting to break off talks or otherwise and from this standpoint his statements were somewhat milder than Jan. 24 Peiping statement.
2. As far as next meeting is concerned it will be Wang’s “turn” to open. It seems to me he has four possible courses of action which I list in order my estimate probability: (A) maintain focus on impasse perhaps putting more stress on threat aspect; (B) propose that as we have now spent more than four months on our item renunciation force without agreement we drop it and move to their item of FonMin meetings and trade [Facsimile Page 2] embargo; (C) make new proposal on renunciation force declaration and (D) make move to break off talks. Believe I should be prepared handle any of foregoing possibilities.
3. If he follows first course or depending on nature his proposal even third course, believe in addition points I have already made, I might point out contradiction between accepting applicability renunciation force to Taiwan and demand US renounce self-defense right there. If PRC sincere in renouncing force Taiwan area question US exercising right self-defense there does not arise.
4. If he proposes break off of talks I would propose reiterate my willingness and desire continue efforts reach agreement and make clear they would have to bear entire onus.
5. While I could reiterate our position on renunciation force and FonMin meeting if he adopts second course, he may adopt attitude of flat refusal further discuss renunciation force declaration.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–2656. Secret; Limit Distribution.↩