448. Airgram 173 to Geneva1
For Johnson.
Your 1369. No data on Wang Pao-liu.
Lai Ya-li has been Deputy Director of General Office of CHICOM Fonmin since October 1949, office headed by Wang Ping-nan until 1955. Lai apparently social scientist, reportedly once was secretary to General Feng Yu-hsiang. CHICOMS publicly identify Lai as member Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, but intelligence reports he Communist. In February 1949, reportedly arrived in Peiping as member delegation “democratic personages” from Manchuria. Same year, participated in first All-China Youth Conference, elected to National Committee All-China Federation Democratic Youth. Apparently relinquished connection [Typeset Page 654] youth organizations before 1953. In 1949, joined preparatory committee Sino-Soviet Friendship Association, became Executive Committee member and Deputy Secretary General Association. Relieved of these assignments by late 1954.
As Fonmin official, accompanied Chou to Moscow January 1950 for Sino-Soviet negotiations. Only other known trip outside China: In 1952 headed Sino-Soviet Friendship Association delegation to Mongolian-Soviet cultural conference in Ulan Bator.
Was delegate from Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee to Chinese People’s [Facsimile Page 2] Political Consultative Conference and has been one of directors Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/1–1356. Confidential. Drafted by Nagoski.↩