418. Telegram 1294 from Geneva1
Geneva, December 16, 1955, 4
1294. From Johnson.
- 1.
- Text of press statement PRC Foreign Affairs Ministry was made
available to correspondents here by Chinese Consulate General.
Wang refused
correspondents request for interview, and officer handing out
[Typeset Page 607]
refused answer any questions on grounds had just been received from
Peiping had no time yet to read. Assume full text available from
FBIS. Statement of more than thousand words covered only following
- A)
- U.S. failure supply list Chinese in U.S. to Indian Embassy.
- B)
- While since August first 26 out of 40 American law breakers have been released, U.S. has refused inform PRC how many Chinese imprisoned in U.S. or list of their names.
- C)
- No time limit can be set for release remaining Americans whose cases being reviewed individually and therefore “no justification for Americans to ask, or ask in disguised form for setting time limit to release American criminals” who are being released expeditiously.
- D)
- Departure “ordinary” Americans not obstructed and in fact assisted where required while of 103 Chinese who U.S. admitted long prevented from departing 38 still not returned.
- E)
- INS regulation requiring Chinese in U.S. obtain entry [Facsimile Page 2] permit for Taiwan is threat against Chinese students unable for time being return which is violation letter and spirit September 10 agreement.
- 2.
- Statement closes with “The charge of the American side that China has not fully complied with the agreement is completely untenable. The Chinese Government firmly asks that the American side put a stop to all its acts in violation of the agreement and fully comply with the agreement between both sides”.
- 3.
- I am informing press for attribution my spokesman that PRC ascertain in statement that it has fully complied with agreed announcement of September 10 and allegation that U.S. has not are completely contrary to fact. Any further comment would have to come from Washington. For background I have pointed out to correspondents here lack of relation charges against U.S. to obligations under agreed announcement and apparent attempt to obscure CHICOM failure comply with September 10 announcement in cases 14 imprisoned Americans. Have also expressed for attribution spokesman puzzlement at reference demand for time limit release Americans pointing out know of no public statements this regard.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–1655. Official Use Only; Priority. Repeated to Paris for the Secretary only as telegram 291.↩