411. Telegram 1378 to Geneva1
1378. For Johnson. Your 1269 Paragraph 38.
With reference Communist charge US requiring Chinese obtain Taiwan entry permits by given date, facts as follows:
Generally accepted international practice is that temporary visitors to a country must have document admitting them to some other country, their own or third, on expiration their permitted stay. Passports ordinarily suffice, but number of Chinese temporarily in US hold old GRC passports which not now valid entry Taiwan unless accompanied by Taiwan entry permit granted solely by Taipei authorities. When such Chinese applies extension his stay, Immigration and Naturalization Service must see proof he admissible to another country after expiration proposed extension. Chinese intending go eventually Taiwan may satisfy requirement by obtaining Taiwan permit or visa other country. For those Chinese intending go PRC, US will not, except in emergency, [Typeset Page 585] grant extensions particularly in view Communist claim we obstructing their departure.
Thus, Communist charge that entry permit procedure not in conformity with Agreed Announcement is groundless. It required only for those who desire to prolong stay in US, not those who desire depart.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–855. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Nagoski and Clough; cleared in substance by Suddath (INS).↩