405. Telegram 1271 from Geneva1
Geneva, December 9, 1955, 1
1271. From Johnson.
- 1.
- As substitute for para B amended renunciation force draft contained Deptel 1354 I submit following for consideration: “The PRC and USA are determined that they will settle disputes between them through peaceful negotiations, and that, without prejudice to the inherent right of individual and collective self-defense, they will not resort to the threat or use of force in the Taiwan area or elsewhere.”
- 2.
- In general this seems to me somewhat preferable to draft suggested in Deptel 1354 while still incorporating all its elements. I think that it also somewhat meets point made para 2 Mytel 1203 while still fully preserving our position.
- 3.
- It also incorporates translation point made in para 9 Mytel 1241 and eliminates what I felt was undesirable conditional relationship between two clauses by substituting “and” for “without”.
- 4.
- While it does not incorporate word “renounce” it is unconditional in stating force will not be used in Taiwan area or elsewhere. It seems to me it is therefore a full “renunciation” of force but by avoiding use of word “renounce” in statement in which we are joined avoids [Typeset Page 580] undesirable and incorrect implication that we are “renouncing” something we have heretofore used while in fact accomplishing this purpose with respect CHICOMS.
- 5.
- It seems to me this draft also avoiding somewhat confusing [Facsimile Page 2] juxtaposition in Department’s draft of very similar phrases of “without resort to the threat or use of force” and “they renounce the use of force”.
- 6.
- While I have no reason believe Wang will accept foregoing draft I feel I can advocate and defend it in negotiations much more effectively than draft suggested Deptel 1354.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–955. Confidential; Priority; Limited Distribution.↩