400. Telegram 1260 from Geneva1
Geneva, December 7, 1955, 3
1260. From Johnson.
- 1.
- Have just received Deptels 1348 and 1352 through 1354.
- 2.
- While we do not know what was in Bradshaw’s two previous letters fact remains letter from him was transmitted containing information two previous letters refused transmission, and asking for visit “in order he and Mrs. Bradshaw might be released earliest possible moment”. While failure transmit two previous letters grounds for protest, it seems to me difficult to make this basis for presentation outlined paragraph 3 Deptel 1352 particularly as a letter from Bradshaw has now been received.
- 3.
- I strongly question desirability of placing so much emphasis upon secondary “welfare” aspect of September 10 announcement. Believe we would be on much stronger grounds to base presentation [Typeset Page 566] paragraph 3 Deptel 1352 on failure release Americans “expeditiously” under September 10 announcement.
- 4.
- Huan’s reply to O’Neill’s request for release Bradshaw (paragraph 8 Deptel 1348) would seem indicate Wang had probably transmitted my similar appeal at December 1 meeting and as things now stand we have some ground to hope for early release Bradshaw.
- 5.
- With respect Bradshaw and tomorrow’s meeting I would be in an awkward position if Bradshaw were to be released about simultaneously with meeting. While it is unlikely I must also be prepared for possibility Wang would exceptionally [Facsimile Page 2] inform me of release at meeting. If Bradshaw not released by tomorrow’s meeting I do not see how in light all circumstances our tactic will persuade Chinese Communists expedite his release and believe may in fact be counterproductive.
- 6.
- Therefore I urgently request authority at tomorrow’s meeting to:
- A.
- Make protest on failure deliver Bradshaw’s first two letters and reiterate hope for his early release.
- B.
- Make statement along lines paragraph 3 Deptel 1352 but for most part based on failure “expeditiously” release Americans under September 10 announcement as set forth last sentence paragraph 3 rather than on Bradshaw’s letters as implied second sentence paragraph 3.
- C.
- With respect renunciation force, ask him for more complete replies questions I asked last meeting (at close last meeting it was indicated to him I expected such replies), and make some general comments as would appear appropriate on his draft, picking up pertinent materal from Deptel 1353 and in general paving way for introduction at subsequent meeting of our amendments his draft.
Note: Advance copy to Mr. Waddell (FE) 12/7/55, 10:50 a.m. MG.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–755. Secret; Niact; Limited Distribution.↩