396. Telegram 1243 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1243. From Johnson.

Re para 9 Mytel 1241 there follows Chinese text in Matthews numbers of substantive portion second para beginning with “are determined” and all last para Wang’s draft:

5187 5788 1697 2735 6439 4419 7477 3191 6638 3730 2115 - 5303 - 6078 - 4893 - 626 - 1697 - 6439 - 4419 - 3953 - 3738 - 935 - 835 - 6213 - 365 - 6541 - 1756 - 5379 - 5494 - 1362 - 7051 - 2641 - 2402 - 7195 - 3920 - 3953 - 3738 - 5943 - 5770 - 7477 - 3191 - 452 - 2865 - 2345 - 6078 - 2744 - 1217 - 5821 - 2684 - 265 - 3016 - 3709 - 6615 - 7729 - 7043 - 6213 - 811 - 5821 - 3381 - 2754 - 6213 - 6527 - 1120.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/12–255. Confidential; Priority; Limited Distribution.