389. Telegram 1330 to Geneva1
1330. For Johnson.
UNC called meeting of MAC November 26 at which US representative referred to Wang statement Geneva that MAC was proper channel for accounting for missing US military personnel and said US concurred this view. He presented revised list 2720 UN personnel including 450 US servicemen and offered individual accounting for 98,739 personnel of Communist side whenever Communists presented accounting for UN personnel. Communist side accepted lists but stated (1) individuals held outside Korea do not come under authority MAC and therefore irrelevant to discuss in MAC; (2) MAC has no connection with POW’s disposed of by PRC. Also noted UNC offer to account for Communist side personnel and stated it unnecessary comment on UNC list at this time.
In view above MAC action you need not raise this subject again with Wang until further instructed. However, Communist statements [Typeset Page 546] 1 and 2 above provide opening resume negotiation with Wang if Communists give no satisfaction in MAC within reasonable time.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2955. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Clough; cleared in substance by Norred (NA) and by McConaughy.↩