387. Telegram 1326 to Geneva1

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1326. For Johnson.

Chinese Communist propaganda during past week devoted somewhat more attention to subject of Taiwan and ambassadorial talks than in previous weeks. General attitude toward US continued hostile, with repetition of familiar themes that US obstructing progress of talks, quote intensifying unquote military efforts in Taiwan area, and seeking to revive Cold War.

Major Chinese Communist pronouncement of week on Taiwan issue and talks was statement appearing in East German youth daily, JUNGE WELT, November 24, based on interview given by Ch’en Yi November 7 to German youth group in Peiping. Ch’en reiterated usual CCP line on Taiwan issue, noting two possible solutions, voluntary withdrawal of US forces from area, or failing that, CCP quote liberation unquote of Taiwan by quote force of arms unquote. Peiping government, said Ch’en favored peaceful solution but quote many people unquote on mainland growing quote impatient unquote over Taiwan question. Ch’en saw no immediate need for resort to force, but China must be prepared. Hence, quote active preparations unquote being [Typeset Page 543] carried out along coast, including construction of airfields, railroads, and ships. Lengthy negotiations at Geneva had produced no concrete results except release of Americans, but advantage of informing world opinion as to quote truth about Taiwan unquote.

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Article in TA KUNG PAO November 24 alleged that US is protracting ambassadorial talks in order to quote perpetuate domination unquote over Taiwan. US quote intensification of war preparations unquote in Taiwan area said to violate international principles against use of force. Article noted visits of topranking US military leaders to Taiwan since October, cited reports US increasing supply of Sabrejets, and quoted Gen. Twining to effect that US Far East air force and Nat. air force being welded into force quote capable of advance unquote. NCNA commented briefly on visit of Admiral Stump to Taiwan. Other comment largely of Psychological Warfare nature, concerning food shortages on offshore islands, and quote factionalism unquote among Nationalist leaders.

Peiping comment on ambassadorial talks November 19 and November 24 reiterated previous charge that US obstructing progress of talks and detaining Chinese nationals desiring return to mainland. People’s Daily November 19 alleged that lists Chinese nationals presented by US at Geneva were incomplete and charged that less than one fifth of Chinese who had requested return to China had been permitted to leave. Demanded that US take immediate steps to facilitate return, and stated that question of quote lawbreaking unquote Americans still held in China and that of quote guiltless unquote Chinese nationals in US entirely different matters. TA KUNG PAO November 24 urged that US quote get down to serious negotiation and reach necessary agreement on practical matters at issue unquote.

ChiCom commentary on Ministers Conference continued to echo Soviet line. Relaxation of tensions will continue, despite US efforts revive Cold War, but struggle for peace will be long and hard. Peiping hailed Bulganin trip as quote important [Facsimile Page 3] milestone in strengthening peaceful cooperation between USSR and Asian countries unquote.

NCNA denounced Bagdad pact as quote concrete step by the US to aggravate tension in the Middle East unquote and hailed refusal of Egypt and Arab states to join as quote serious blow to US policy unquote.

Peiping during week continued to give considerable attention to question of trade restrictions, alleging that US embargo and quote trade monopolies unquote had seriously impaired expansion of trade among Asian countries. ChiCom overtures to Japan for normalization of trade relations continued. At same time, Peiping continued to berate Japanese government for its treatment of Chinese nationals seeking return to mainland.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2955. Official Use Only. Drafted by Dawson; cleared in IAD and CA.