385. Telegram 1216 from Geneva1
1216. From Johnson.
A. Following is suggestion for counterdraft for introduction next meeting which I believe somewhat meets points made my 1203 while still preserving our position.
B. It will be noted second paragraph is taken from article 33 UN Charter and that paragraph four picks up some language from Wang’s draft.
C. Have no reason believe PRC would accept this draft, but believe it meets present situation which seems require new draft and should provide room for considerable discussion.
“Agreed announcement
“1. Ambassador Wang Ping-nan of the People’s Republic of China and Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson of the United States of America [Typeset Page 540] during the course of their discussions of practical matters at issue between the two sides make the following declarations:
“2. Ambassador Wang Ping-nan, on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China, declares that the PRC will refrain from the threat or use of force except in self-defense; and
“3. In accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter and generally accepted standards of international conduct, the PRC will always seek the solution by peaceful means of any dispute to which it is a party and the continuation [Facsimile Page 2] of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security; and
“4. Recognizing the particular importance of relaxing and eliminating tension in the Taiwan area, the PRC declares that the foregoing general principles are specifically applicable to that area.
“5. Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson, on behalf etc.”
D. While foregoing is drafted as PRC section, we would of course put our section in identical terms first.
Note: Mr. Waddell (FE) notified 11/23/55, 5:55 pm, EH.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2355. Secret; Priority.↩