383. Telegram 1214 from Geneva1

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1214. From Johnson.

Although it is hard for me to believe PRC would be willing to break talks or without breaking talks go to public on their present position, Wang’s performance at end today’s meeting nevertheless left me with feeling that they may well have one or other in mind. Briefly, I am not confident continuation of talks can be assured beyond next meeting unless some new element is introduced.

My present thinking with respect next meeting would be to open with very strong attack on ultimatum aspects his present tactics, brief but strong attack on his draft and then introduce new draft which would be essentially same as our present draft but give appearance of something new. I am also inclined to include implication willingness see respective positions made public but without express threat to do so.

With respect to his draft my principal point would be that while giving appearance of renouncing force, what it in fact does is maintain threat of hostilities in Taiwan area unless there is Foreign Minister meeting and such meeting results in settlement satisfactory to them.

Believe it would be useful if new draft could meet points raised in paragraphs 2 and 4 my telegram 1203 and consider paragraph 5 that telegram still valid.

I will transmit views on text new draft in subsequent telegram.


Note: Mr. Waddell (FE) notified 11/23/55 5:55 PM (EH).

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2355. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.