374. Telegram 1192 from Geneva1
Geneva, November 17, 1955, 2
1192. From Johnson.
- 1.
- Two hour meeting this morning devoted entirely to draft agreed announcement on renunciation of force except for statement by me on implementation to which he did not reply. Discussion centered almost entirely around our draft.
- 2.
- Wang opened meeting with long and uncompromising prepared statement rejecting our draft as “totally unjustifiable and absolutely unacceptable” and demanding acceptance his draft. Statement reiterated previous positions on Taiwan, GRC, US occupation, etc. Much emphasis upon our draft requiring them to acquiesce maintenance of status quo, US armed interference liberation Taiwan and US encroachment on Chinese territory Taiwan.
- 3.
- I replied with long extemporaneous statement rejecting his implication US not seeking peaceful settlement by referring US proposal these talks, statement on renunciation of force, and willingness discuss other matters. I restated our position with respect GRC, defense treaty, etc. Principal point was not now attempt reconcile these differences but assure will not lead to war. I then went through our draft paragraph by paragraph, asking him specifically tell me with what they did not agree.
- 4.
- His reply and subsequent give and take was very noticeably milder than prepared statement but did not add anything [Facsimile Page 2] substantive.
- 5.
- I persisted in attempt obtain more concrete expression specific objections our draft which he avoided by referring his opening statement which I characterized as generalized and not helpful in arriving at agreement on text. I pointed out our draft seemed to meet his three principal requirements: A) no violation sovereignty, territorial integrity, B) based on UN principles, and C) concrete arrangements for peaceful settlement already provided for by these talks. In reply he continued refer back to his prepared statement.
- 6.
- Meeting closed on this inconclusive note. Next meeting Wednesday, November 23.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–1755. Confidential; Priority; Limited Distribution.↩