365. Telegram 1132 from Geneva1
1132. From Johnson.
Have not yet had opportunity discuss text Deptel 1183 with the Secretary or Phleger but my thought is that unless in any statement they make CHICOMS include text their draft announcement we should avoid releasing our text. Am not sure even if they release their text it would serve our interests to release our text. Release of texts would so freeze positions that further negotiation thereon would become very difficult.
As decision is we make no release unless CHICOMS first do so, our statement would probably require some tailoring to meet CHICOM statement. If release made by Wang here, statement in reply should come from me; but if release by Peiping, believe reply should come from Washington.
Subject to foregoing concur general lines statement contained 1183 but consider that if text our draft not released, mention should be made in statement of importance that renunciation specifically apply to Taiwan area. Otherwise to casual reader Wang’s proposal would appear almost completely to meet text statement in Deptel 1183. Suggest addition of “including specifically the Taiwan area” at end first sentence. Also better to meet CHICOM FonMin meeting point believe we should be somewhat more explicit concerning our willingness discuss “other matters” following renunciation of force declaration. Suggest this be done by addition of following sentences after end second para statement Deptel 1183: [Facsimile Page 2] “The United States Ambassador has made clear his willingness within the agreed scope of these talks to discuss these other matters at that time. It is the United States view that until both sides have exhausted a full and honest effort to resolve these problems through this already established and normal channel, the question of other channels or other meetings does not arise.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–1055. Secret; Limited Distribution.↩