340. Telegram 1061 from Geneva1

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1061. From Johnson.

Suggest that at next meeting I present counterdraft on renunciation force along lines Mytel 1048. Would appreciate Department’s suggestions on any additional points I might make in this regard.
Request Department’s views on transmitting after November 10 meeting copies our original renunciation force statement together with copies our counterdraft to Nehru through Cooper, to UK through Embassy Washington, and whether and by what means to Soviets.
Wang will presumably make statement on trade to which I will make no reply at this meeting, except to ask any questions that might appear useful.
Suggest that regardless of action that is taken on recommendation last para Mytel 1054 for fresh approach to missing military personnel item in MAC, that I make no mention this item at next meeting. Consider it much more effective to drop this item for meeting or two and then return to it rather than invariably bring up each meeting with result it tends take on aspect routine matter. Believe same consideration applies to implementation, particularly until O’Neill has time more fully to test his ability to act.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–455. Secret; Priority.