32. Telegram 384 to Geneva1
384. For Ambassador Johnson.
Department (OIR) has noted indications, including rumors reported by Congen Geneva and by press reportedly originating with Chicom diplomats, that Chicoms may be preparing basis for agreement to renounce use of force. Chicoms have probably concluded from US statements that US may seek such agreement; may possibly be preparing for propaganda advantage by initiating proposal at Geneva or as agenda item for proposed Foreign Ministers conference.
Chicoms could enter into such agreement without altering present propaganda position by limiting renunciation to international matters, thus excluding the quote domestic unquote issue of quote liberation of Taiwan unquote. Note that other unresolved issues in Asia—Vietnam, Laos, and Korea—likewise classed by Communists as domestic issues.
[Typeset Page 36]Alternatively Chicoms might go so far as to renounce use of force specifically against Taiwan, on condition of major US concessions to Chicom demands. Note Chou En-lai statement July 30, echoing earlier statements: quote conditions permitting, the Chinese people are ready to seek the liberation of Taiwan by peaceful means unquote. Conditions Chicoms would demand almost certainly include US military withdrawal from Taiwan straits area and abandonment of Chiang K’ai-shek government. Chicoms would then [Facsimile Page 2] presumably expect gain eventual control of Taiwan by subversion.
Renunciation proposal might take form of bilateral statement similar to quote five principles unquote statements entered into by Chicoms and Soviets with neutralist countries, or might be placed in context of quote collective pact of peace unquote proposed by Chou En-lai to replace present quote antagonistic military blocs unquote in Asia, i.e. the Manila Pact and bilateral alliances. Such proposals would be in line with current Chicom domestic propaganda that Chicom domestic program requires quote peaceful international environment unquote (Chou En-lai July 30) and that in course of prolonged period of peace, Communist China will quote surpass the so-called capitalist advanced countries unquote (Lo Lung-chi to People’s Congress July 26).
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–555. Secret. Drafted by Colm; cleared in IAD and in substance in CA.↩