25. Telegram 315 from Geneva1
315. From Johnson.
At third meeting 10 a.m. August 4 I handed Wang supplementary list 5 Americans as instructed Deptel 359 describing them as persons we had “some reason” to believe were being prevented from leaving China. With respect to list of 36 previously given Wang I had indicated we had firm knowledge all these people desired leave China.
I next pointed out Wang had listed Gordon, Joyce and Hyde as “persons who had committed crimes”. Noting Chinese representative had told ConGen last June they were not in prison but being investigated I inquired whether they now in prison.
I said we understood Mrs. Bradshaw released from prison and asked why she was listed under category (B) Wang’s list. I also pointed out Downey and Fecteau, whom Wang had listed as military personnel were actually civilians and should have been listed among imprisoned civilians.
Referring to Wang’s first proposal previous meeting I stated it appears go beyond terms of reference envisioned by two governments when talks agreed upon. Reminded him talks were to consider “repatriation civilians who desire return their respective countries”. Pointed [Typeset Page 27] out also Chinese nationals in US number thousands and added US Government required further time to consider.
I then referred to Wang’s second and third proposals and handed him list of 76 Chinese students. I told him his reference to “exit permit” in connection with 76 students was [Facsimile Page 2] inaccurate since no exit permit required of aliens desiring depart US. I then carefully summarized in some details US immigration procedure, emphasizing absence exit permit system and explaining that US Government neither preventing Chinese from leaving nor unreasonably forcing them to leave.
I informed Wang I not in position reply regarding fourth proposal which required further careful study. I added that as I already pointed out as result of rescinding by US Government all preventive departure orders previously issued against Chinese civilians there was not to best of my government’s knowledge any Chinese civilian in US whose departure for China was being prevented. However I continued “we both know of the American civilians in your country whose departure is being prevented by reason of their imprisonment or otherwise”. I said I was therefore awaiting the specific information regarding measures which Wang had said at last meeting his government intended take with respect Americans.
I then asked Wang for names of 6 Chinese he referred to last meeting as not having returned China, saying I would have their cases investigated.
At this point Chinese requested 10 minutes recess.
Wang commenced stating he wished clarify a few points. Regarding classification Americans on his list, said Gordon, Hyde and Joyce had committed crimes but not now in prison. Said Mrs. Bradshaw had been in prison but now out on bail. Regarding Downey and Fecteau said their crimes already publicly made known and unnecessary go into here.
I interjected that my question referred not to crimes but to their classification as civilians. Wang replied they “classified according character of their crimes which were military in nature and not according their personal status”.
[Facsimile Page 3]Wang then handed me 6 Chinese names I had requested which I said we would investigate. Names by separate tel.
Wang then said I had stated his first proposal beyond scope item one of agenda. Since this item dealt with return civilians both sides it entitled US to request complete list Americans in China, similarly entitled Wang request complete list Chinese in US. He was glad know US Government willing take further time consider this proposal.
Problem now facing us Wang continued is problem return civilians both sides to respective countries. Both sides should make same arrangements in order arrive at reasonable settlement. Regarding Americans in China he had already submitted complete list including [Typeset Page 28] place residence as well as classification of individual. Requested US side respond this action by providing complete list Chinese nationals in US, including students whose families on Chinese mainland, and giving whereabouts each individual.
Wang said persons on list of 36 given him August 2 all included in list American nationals in China he had provided, including those guilty and not guilty of crimes. Those guilty must be treated under Chinese law just as Chinese nationals residing US should be subject US law. He had already made clear position Chinese Government regarding treatment Americans in China and told me he would inform me later results of review of cases.
Wang went on to say at August 2 meeting I had demanded complete release all Americans in China. This not compatible with factual situation and his side could not comply. There was no question concerning release those Americans in China who never committed crime. Those found guilty of crimes must be treated under Chinese legal procedure. Their cases not simply matter of releasing or not releasing. As he had indicated his government would take lenient measures toward these. His government would individually review each case and advise results later.
[Facsimile Page 4]I broke in to inquire if he could estimate how long it might take make this review. Wang replied noncommittally that it would depend on time required by responsible authorities to make review.
Wang then declared reading from prepared statement he would like to make a few remarks on ill feeling American people toward China. Detailed account of status Americans in China as well as of policy his govt was given me at last meeting. If this could have been made known to American people in its entirety ill feeling never would have arisen. Regarding handful of Americans who violated Chinese law, every sovereign country is entitled take action against such persons. Out of humanitarian considerations, Chinese Government willing give lenient consideration cases by further review and also willing that relatives visit prisoners. This all the more proves that treatment given Americans by his govt is “fair and friendly”.
He considered “alleged ill feeling of Americans” intimated by me “devoid of factual basis”. On other hand things causing ill feeling among Chinese people toward American Government beyond enumeration. Take subject Chinese nationals, particularly return Chinese students, without mentioning other remote subjects. Chinese people very dissatisfied. It is violation humanitarian principles for government prevent by government order innocent person return home for intercourse and reunion with family. Might as well cite an incident which greatly irritated Chinese people. More than 14,000 personnel of Chinese [Typeset Page 29] People’s Volunteers in Korea were not permitted listen to explanations but forcibly removed to Taiwan to become “cannon fodder for Chiang Kai-shek brigands”. Their families on mainland unable effect their return. Wang said he had heard both Martin and I were in Korea at time Korean armistice and knew this case well therefore unnecessary say more. He did want to add that this is still pending case which enrages Chinese people. He could mention others similar [Facsimile Page 5] character. However, considering atmosphere present talks perhaps not necessary enumerate more. It was only because I had mentioned alleged ill feeling in US he thought it might be useful explain how Chinese people feel toward US Government.
[Facsimile Page 6]Wang then started reading from another long prepared statement which opened by stating I had made repeated references to Chinese students in US and had said that US Govt had never exercised any restraint on them.
I interrupted to state that was not what I had said. This morning I had again said that there had been restraints against some few Chinese students but that these had been removed and forcefully reiterated my previous statement no Chinese being prevented depart.
Wang completely nonplussed at this point and fumbled through prepared statement seeking a reply. Only after full four or five minutes was he able continue.
Changing his approach Wang declared he welcomed statement by me that restraints on Chinese rescinded. However this statement only very “general” to effect Chinese not restrained from returning their country. In the first place, US Govt failed provide complete list including names and addresses so it impossible check which actually desired return. It was not only impossible Chinese Govt communicate these people but also impossible families communicate with them and transmit funds. Secretary Dulles in press conference August 2 admitted he could not answer question whether Chinese have financial difficulties and could not pay their travel. This is sharp contrast with Premier Chou’s statement regarding American nationals July 30. “Our nationals in US are confronted by great difficulties”. Consequently appropriate solution of return civilians both sides must be sought which beneficial both parties not one unilaterally. Otherwise apparently “unfair” solution would not be understood by people of [Facsimile Page 7] world and Chinese people could not accept. It precisely for this reason that he had proposed China and US each name third country to handle affairs of nationals of each in territory of other, in first place, return of nationals to respective countries: Wang welcomed statement that US willing take further time consider this proposition. Also expressed appreciation receipt list 76 students.
[Typeset Page 30]I replied expressing regret Wang felt it necessary discuss matters outside terms of reference this meeting. Said I spoke to him of ill feeling people in US, as I knew it, arising from issue we now discussing. I added I did not intend engage in controversy, just wanted frankly explain to him factual situation.
Referring to Wang’s remark that my statement on freedom Chinese depart as being “general”, I said if general it was because it was broad, categorical and without exception. I said I was unclear what Wang meant by an unfair solution. I said there had been restraints on some Chinese and these no longer exist. Told him again if he knew of exception would be glad investigate. Also pointed out all Chinese in US have complete freedom communicate, nothing prevents their writing parents in China or communicating any way they desire. I informed him that for long period US Govt had directly aided Chinese in US to pay travel to mainland China. Where students did not have money US Govt has helped by paying all or part of travel expenses. From April 1, 1949 to June 30, 1951 637 students assisted by US Govt to go mainland China via Hong Kong. From July 1, 1951 to December 31, 1954 figure was 109. From January 1, 1955 to June 30, 1955; total 767. I emphasized this not total of those returning mainland China, just those given financial assistance by US Government.
I dwelt on strong contrast present time between situation Chinese in US and Americans in China and found it hard to understand why he described it as unfair to China. As I had said previously, no Chinese to best knowledge my government [Facsimile Page 8] being prevented departing. Whatever reasons may be this contrasts considerably with situation in China of those Americans on list given Wang. Added I hoped Wang accepted these remarks in spirit in which given.
Wang replied on their part they respect present talks with all sincerity. They willing settle questions. That is why he did not want make any statement irritating to American people nor hear any statement which would irritate Chinese people. He did not want to bring up old debates at conference table. He had thought it useful make few remarks referring to ill feeling of American people. Also glad to note I not desirous any more debate this subject. This also our desire Wang said. He concluded that he would make few comments on Chinese students in US at next meeting.
I then proposed since we both had work to do to make next meeting more fruitful that we postpone our sessions until Monday at 10 a.m. Regarding press, I suggested following press agreement and that concerning day’s meeting we give only subject discussed and time next [Typeset Page 31] meeting. Wang agreed adding “we keep our part. If we agree to say two sentences we never say two and a half”.
I said to Wang he no doubt as disturbed as I at some of press stories which we both knew to be inaccurate and which could not have come from either of us. I added we could only surmise what source was. Wang announced “we are always faithful in keeping agreements. We are working to settle questions not making propaganda”.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.95A251/8–455. Confidential.↩