[Page [676]] [Page 677]Editor’s Note: In the index, annotation, and documents of this volume, the spelling of Chinese names follows the Wade-Giles system of transliteration, according to contemporary usage.
- Adams, Sherman, 333–334
- Adenauer, Konrad, 112
- Agricultural commodities, surplus, 569–570, 637–638
- American Assembly, 451
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 473
- American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA), 575–576
- American Red Cross, 428
- American Society of Newspaper Editors, 475
- Amory, Robert, 51n
- Anderson, Dillon, 154, 210–211, 214, 227, 372
- ANZUS Council, 101
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 370, 465
- Arndt, Karl M., 160
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 573
- Arnold, Col. John K., 59
- Asia, 324, 342–344, 649–653
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 134, 232, 244, 248, 345, 414
- Bandung Conference, 16, 504
- Barker, Col. Walter E., 530–531
- Bartholemew, Frank, 492–493
- Bassett, Maj. Gen. Harold H., 627
- Beam, Jacob D., 639n, 641, 643–644
- Becker, Loftus, 575, 581–583, 635n
- Belgium, 81–84
- Bennett, W. Tapley, 425, 534, 549, 556, 577n
- Berding, Andrew F., 520n, 574n, 575, 577, 581n, 635n
- Bermuda Conference, 510
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 408n, 417n, 639n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 53–54, 171n
- Bonbright, James C.H., 641
- Bowen, Gen. Frank Sayles, Jr., 524, 627
- Bowie, Robert R., 51, 545–549
- Bradshaw, Wilda, 189, 205, 208, 224, 339
- Brown, Robert, 525, 538
- Brundage, Percival, 615
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 419n
- Burdett, William C., 362n
- Burma, 57, 116, 254, 455, 503, 509
- Cambodia, 503, 508–509
- Ceylon, 324, 503
- Chang Han-fu, 123–124, 147n, 177, 573
- Ch’en Ch’eng, 589, 591, 628–629
- Chen Yun, 235
- Chiang Ching-kuo, 589, 591, 626–629
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 454–455, 589, 669–670
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 15, 395, 397
- Communism, 398n, 399–403, 446, 455–456
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 121–122
- Nationalist return to mainland, 329, 331–332, 343, 346–349, 411–415, 517, 604–607
- Soviet Union, 327–330, 344–346
- Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 401, 413, 607
- China, People’s Republic of (see also
Chinese nationals in the United States; Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s
Republic of China):
- Agriculture, 551–552
- Asia, role in, 649–653
- Border disputes, 246
- China, Republic of, possible attacks by, 51, 67–69, 123n
- Communist Party, 237
- Diplomatic recognition, 81–84, 362–364, 669
- Economic situation, 230–232, 238–241, 244–245, 497–501
- Economic and trade sanctions against:
- Force, renunciation of the use of (see under Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China)
- Foreign policy, 232–233, 248, 498, 502–506
- Future of, 491–492, 506–510
- Hundred Flowers campaign, 551–552, 577–578, 605
- India, relations with, 249, 254
- Japan, trade with, 503
- Military situation:
- National Defense Council, 236
- National People’s Conference, 401
- National People’s Congress, 567–568, 569n, 578
- Pakistan, relations with, 448–451, 503
- Paracel Islands, 377–381
- People’s Liberation Army, 501
- People’s Revolutionary Military Council, 236
- Political situation, 235–238, 497, 550–552, 577–578, 580–581
- Population pressures, 663–664
- Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals (see under Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China)
- Soviet military assistance, 203
- Soviet Union, relations with, 232, 245–247, 465, 498, 502–503, 564, 672–673
- Taiwan, position toward, 252, 504–505, 508
- U.N. membership:
- United Kingdom, relations with, 324–325
- United States, relations with (see also Visits by U.S. nationals, below), 3–5, 10, 60, 71, 234, 255–256, 398, 505, 507–508
- U.S. Congressional action re, 132–134
- U.S. missionaries in, 89, 99, 437–440, 487
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in (see also Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals under Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China):
- U.S. Navy plane incident, 424, 429
- U.S. passports in, 581–583
- U.S. policies toward, 185–187, 291–293, 545–549, 660
- Visits by U.S. nationals:
- China, Republic of (see also
- Agreements with the United States (see also United States, relations with below):
- Anti-Americanism, 536, 628n, 629
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Chinese nationals in the United States, 429
- Communist espionage, 69–70
- Economic situation, 160, 167–169, 179–180, 391–393
- Food Bureau, 160, 168, 180
- Force, renunciation of the use of, attitude toward, 175–176, 178n, 185n, 186n, 255–256
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 22, 24–25, 69, 140–141, 175–176, 279–282
- Military situation:
- Nationalist return to mainland:
- Political situation, 436–437, 585–593
- Tactical missiles, U.S. deployment of, 283–284, 356–357, 406–407, 425, 458, 490, 493–495, 522–523
- United States, relations with (see also Agreements with the United States above; U.S. subheadings below), 139–143, 157–162, 341–344, 363
- U.S. economic assistance, 120–121, 569–570, 637–639
- U.S. military assistance, 141, 155, 352, 386–394, 407–408, 543, 614–616
- U.S. policies toward, 153–154, 188–189, 332–333, 371, 463–464, 519, 593–599, 609–623, 660
- China Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (CHINCOM), 108, 126, 149, 186, 210, 212, 483
- China Monthly Review, 468n
- CHINCOM. See China Committee of the Paris Consultative Group.
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Chinese nationals in the United States:
- Chinese overseas communities. See Overseas Chinese.
- Chinese Petroleum Company, 180
- Chou En-lai, 235–236, 452–453, 567–569, 640
- Chu Teh, 235
- Chushan Islands, 424
- Clifford, Rev. John William, 405
- Clough, Ralph N., 206n, 208n, 224n, 256n, 284n, 362n, 425n, 432n, 549–552, 579n, 608n, 630n, 632n, 633n, 635n, 637n, 643n, 653n
- Cochran, William P., Jr., 47, 143
- COCOM. See Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group.
- Coleman, John S., 451
- Colm, Peter W., 580n
- Colonialism, 343, 506
- Comiskey, Stephen A.J., 493, 510, 519, 524
- Communism, 325–326, 342–343, 397–398, 446–448, 462–463
- Communist Party, Twentieth Congress, 325, 345
- COMTAIWANDEFCOM(US). See Doyle, Vice Adm. Austin K.
- Congress, U.S., 132–134
- Cooper, John Sherman, 3n
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM), 108, 210, 212
- Cordier, Andrew W., 11–12
- Craig, Pfc. Paul E., 146
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 580–581, 640–643
- Cuthell, David Cameron, 380n
- Cutler, Robert, 609–611, 613–615, 617
- Dairen, 246
- Davis, Arthur C., 13–14
- Dean, Brig. Gen. F.M., 627
- Dennis, Alfred P., 81
- Dillon, Thomas P., 567–569, 600–601
- Diplomatic recognition, principles re, 563–564
- Dowling, Walter C., 603–607
- Downey, John T., 14, 608
- Downey, Mary, 635
- Doyle, Vice Adm. Austin K., 627, 645, 646n, 647n, 648n
- Drumwright, Everett F., 629n
- DuGay, Eva Stella, 99
- Dulles, Allen W., 153n, 226–227
- Dulles, John Foster, 38n, 58n, 75n, 103n, 103n, 131n, 189n, 221n, 307n, 309n, 353n, 462, 644
- Asian political situation, 324
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Diplomatic recognition of, 362–363
- Economic and trade sanctions against, 108, 149, 209–213, 226–227, 483
- Military situation, 294
- U.N. membership, 290, 460
- United States, ministerial talks with, possibility of, 16, 107–108, 116
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in, 11–12, 16, 41n
- U.S. policies toward, 10–11, 166–167, 291–293, 491–492, 558–566
- Visits by U.S. nationals, 477–479, 481–487
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 15
- Chinese in U.S. prisons, 383–384
- Communism, 325–326
- Force, renunciation of the use of:
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 17, 26, 32–33, 129–131
- Paracel Islands, 380–381
- Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals:
- Soviet Union:
- Tuapse incident, 172–173
- Two-China question, 110
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 13
- Dwight, William, 475n, 575, 577
- Eden, Anthony, 293–294
- Egypt, 362–364, 503
- Eisenhower, Dwight David, 102n, 111, 618n
- Ekvall, Lt. Col. Robert B., 58
- Fecteau, Richard George, 14, 608
- Ferguson, Homer, 121
- Flemming, Arthur S., 305
- Forman, Douglas N., 425, 463
- Formosa. See Taiwan.
- Foster, William Z., 331
- France, 378
- Fulbright, William, 513
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s
Republic of China, 95–96, 267
- Adverse effects, 432–434
- Agenda and procedures, 1–3, 10, 21, 75–76, 90, 94, 99, 102–103, 106–107, 113
- China, People’s Republic of, policies, 136–138
- China, Republic of, position, 69, 140–141, 279–282, 295–300, 307–309
- Downgrading of, 639, 641–644, 657–659
- Force, renunciation of the use of:
- Agreed Announcement:
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 113–114, 319–320
- China, Republic of, position, 109–110, 175–176, 178n, 185n, 186n
- Formosa, application to, 269–273, 384–385, 404–405
- Negotiations re, 118, 128, 155–156, 334–335
- Self-defense clause, 302
- U.S. position, 79–80, 103–105, 125, 138n, 147–148, 206
- Formosa dispute, 216–218
- Indian position, 129–131
- Judicial assistance, 659
- News reporters, exchange of, 601–603
- Press statements, 90, 93, 95, 376–377
- Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals (see also
U.S. nationals imprisoned in
China, People’s Republic of):
- Agreed Announcement:
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 65–66, 319
- Chinese judicial processes, 35, 42, 52
- Chinese nationals in the United States:
- Exchange of lists of potential repatriates, 14–15
- Free return, principle of, 26, 276
- Indian role (see also Prisoners under Chinese nationals in the United States above), 27–28, 30, 36n, 37n, 85–86, 88n, 92–93, 95, 98, 130–131
- Notification of imprisoned U.S. nationals, 89, 101, 114, 177
- Soviet role in, 44, 53–54
- Timetable for, 35, 58, 75–76
- U.K. role in, 97–98, 123–125, 177–178
- Unilateral declarations re, 30, 34
- U.S. position, 71
- U.S. protest against Chinese delays, 205–206
- U.S. tactics, 42–43, 173, 189–190
- Stalemate in, 302–303, 306–307, 317–318, 321–323, 339, 418–420, 422–424, 427–428, 466, 495–496, 570–582
- Time limit for, 364, 366–368
- Trade and cultural exchanges, 451–452
- U.S. assessment, 31, 191–193, 201, 286–287
- U.S. Congressional involvement, 101, 131–132
- U.S. guidance for, 224–225, 256–258, 284–286, 303–304, 309, 446–470, 473–476
- U.S. position, 87–88, 143–144, 147–148, 466–468
- George, Walter F., 10–11, 16, 101
- Gleason, S. Everett, 209n, 225n, 363n, 371n, 540, 552, 554, 609n, 611n
- Gleysteen, Culver, 573n
- Goa, 130
- Goodkind, Louis W., 149
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 294, 462
- Gordon, Frederick D., 89
- Gowen, Franklin C., 1n
- Grantham, Alexander, 123n
- Gray, Gordon, 407–408
- Green, Theodore, 483
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 459, 462
- Griffin, Adm. Charles D., 456
- Gruson, Sydney, 552
- Hagerty, James C., 583n
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 11–12, 18–19, 572n, 608n
- Harrington, Philip, 462, 470, 473
- Harris, Maj. Gen. Hunter, 335
- Hedding, Rear Adm. Truman J., 127n, 315–317
- Henderson, Loy W., 69, 643n
- Herter, Christian, 600–601, 603–607, 612, 633n
- Higgins, Marguerite, 369n
- Hildreth, Horace, 448–451
- Ho Chi Minh, 250n, 669–670
- Hollister, John B., 120, 122
- Hong Kong, 510
- Hoover, Herbert C., Jr., 333n
- Houle, John Alexander, 134, 335
- Howe, Fisher, 476, 481, 513
- Hu, Col. S.K., 411n
- Hu Feng, 238
- Hu Shih, 613
- Huang Hua, 479
- Hughes, Charles Evans, 471
- Humphrey, George M., 211–212, 305–306, 364
- Hundred Flowers campaign. See under China, People’s Republic of.
- Hungary, 455–456, 459, 551, 655–656
- Hurleigh, Robert, 575
- Hyde, Joseph Eugene, 89
- India:
- Indochina, 233–234, 248, 250, 252–253
- Indonesia, 254–255, 324, 400, 503–504, 509, 655
- Ingersoll, Vice Adm. Stuart H., 315, 380n, 530n, 531n
- Inner Mongolia, 605
- Institute of Revolutionary Practice, 534, 536–537
- Interdepartmental Committee on Certain U.S. Aid Programs (Prochnow Committee), 386, 660n
- International Control Commission, 253
- Iran, 442–443
- Iraq, 442
- Jao Shu-shih, 236
- Japan, 249, 253–254, 399, 406, 503, 508, 652, 671
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 72, 92n, 97n, 144n, 162n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese nationals in the United States:
- Force, renunciation of the use of:
- Chinese counterproposal, 357–358, 360, 366–367
- Chinese proposals, 149, 151–152, 170, 194n
- Formosa, application to, 196–198, 384–385, 404–405
- Negotiations re, 118, 128, 155, 181–185, 193–200, 334–335, 570–572
- Self-defense clause, 302
- U.S. policies, 79–80, 162n, 163n, 165, 171, 174–175, 336–337
- U.S. proposals, 353–356
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic
of China, 17n,
178n, 229–230, 259–269, 310n, 311n
- Agenda and procedures, 1–3, 10, 21, 90, 99–100, 106–107, 113
- Assessment of, 31
- China, People’s Republic of, policies, 136–138
- Downgrading of, 641–642, 657–659
- Judicial assistance, 659
- Press leaks, 170
- Public statements re, 95, 376–377
- Stalemate in, 311–315, 317–318, 321–323, 339, 418–420, 422–424, 427–428, 434–436, 466, 495–496
- Time limit for, 368
- U.S. proposals for, 26n, 35–38, 42–43, 190n, 218–220, 222n
- Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals:
- Agreed announcement, 55n, 61, 63–65, 78, 85–86, 97n, 223
- Chinese proposal, 27–29, 33
- Communist pressures on the United States, 302–303
- Deadlock over, 440–441, 444–445
- Formosa, dispute over, 216–218, 259–267, 271–274, 277–279
- Negotiations re, 14–15, 34, 39–41, 45–47, 52, 58–60, 65–66, 70–71, 73–74, 76–77, 84–85, 570–572, 579–580
- Public opinion re, 134–135
- Timetable for, 62n
- U.S. nationals, notification of, 89
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 441, 609–611, 618
- Jones, J. Jefferson, 98, 377–379, 380n
- Jones, Jenkin, 484, 486–487
- Jordan, 589
- Joyce, James Gerald, 89
- Kahmann, William M., 362
- Kanady, Dilmus T., 98–99, 339, 354
- Kao Kang, 236–237
- Kardelj, Edvard, 166–167
- Kattenburg, Paul M., 380n
- Kellogg-Briand Treaty, 104
- Kinmen. See Quemoy.
- Knowland, William F., 131–132
- Koo, V.K. Wellington:
- Koop, Theodore, 575, 577
- Korea, 253, 305, 337, 343, 508, 668–671
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 502
- Korea, Republic of, 329, 332
- Korean war, 247, 468n, 469, 560–562
- Kuo Ting-liang, 69n
- Lacey, John A., 569–570
- Laos, 504, 508–509
- Lay, James S., Jr., 609n, 620
- League of Nations Covenant, 104
- Lee Li-Chuen, 496
- Lew, James, 444
- Liberia, 589
- Lightner, E. Allan, 421n
- Lin Lan-ying, 522–523, 571–572
- Little Quemoy, 555
- Liu An-hua, 270
- Liu Shao-chi, 235–236
- Liu Yung-Ming, 303–304, 306–307
- Lloyd, John Selwyn, 288–290, 292
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 608n
- Luce, Henry, 485–487, 575, 577
- MAAG. See Military Assistance Advisory Group.
- Macao, 510
- McAuliffe, Eugene, 361n
- McCarthy, Rev. Charles Joseph, 437–440
- McClintock, Robert, 470–473, 660–673
- McConaughy, Walter P., 17, 22n, 26n, 31n, 32n, 38n, 50n, 55n, 62n, 66n, 67n, 69n, 70n, 72n, 75n, 76n, 80n, 87n, 90n, 92n, 97n, 102n, 103, 107, 110n, 123n, 124n, 143n, 162n, 164n, 173n, 177n, 189n, 201n, 205n, 206n, 208n, 221n, 224n, 256n, 270n, 284n, 295n, 303n, 309n, 334n, 353n, 354n, 366n, 369n, 380n, 383n, 421n, 432n, 528
- MacDonald, Maj. John C., 51n
- McGuire, Perkins, 407
- Macmillan, Harold, 211
- Makins, Roger, 289
- Malaya, 255, 509, 558
- Malenkov, Georgiy Maksimilianovich, 53, 246
- Mao Tse-tung, 235, 246, 550–552
- Martin, Edwin W., 10, 639, 641, 643–644, 657–658
- Matador missiles. See Tactical missiles, U.S. deployment of under China, Republic of.
- Matsu, 120, 205, 335, 395–396
- Mehta, Gaganvihari Lallubhai, 98, 334, 383
- Menon, V.K Krishna, 333–334
- Merchant, Livingston T., 294n
- Meyer, Paul W., 123n, 323n, 326n, 397n
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, Taiwan (MAAG):
- Miner, Charles Sydney, 222n
- Missionaries, 89, 99, 437–440, 487
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 111, 171–173, 246
- Mongolia, Inner, 605
- Mongolia, Outer, 246, 502
- Morris, Corp. Russel F., 156
- Murphy, Robert D., 87n, 411n, 416, 421–422, 495, 608
- National Council of Churches, U.S., 574
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council:
- Actions:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 365
- Documents:
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 3n, 452–453
- Nepal, 504
- New China News Agency, 257n
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 233, 399, 669
- Nike missiles, 458, 490, 656
- Nixon, Richard M., 211, 213, 397–404
- Nu, U, 57n, 116, 250n
- Oatis, William N., 485
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 110n, 635n
- O’Neill, Con, 97n, 123–124, 134n, 148n
- Osborn, David L., 510, 608
- Outer Mongolia, 246, 502
- Overseas Chinese, 249, 255, 290–291, 296, 400–401, 459, 504, 560–561, 622, 663
- Pakistan, 324, 442, 448–451, 461, 503, 509
- Pao, Daniel, 335
- Paracel Islands, 377–381
- Paraguay, 589
- Pathet Lao, 253
- Pattle Island, 378, 379n, 380
- Peng Te-huai, 109, 235
- People’s Daily, 573, 578, 581, 585
- Philippines, 324, 342, 399, 509, 558
- Phillips, Rev. Thomas Leonard, 405
- Phleger, Herman, 55n, 57n, 62n, 66n, 67n, 72n, 75, 86n, 87n, 90n, 92n, 97n, 103n, 116n, 124n, 177n, 189n, 191n, 205n, 206n, 208n, 221n, 224n, 256n, 270n, 284n, 303n, 307n, 309n, 353n, 366n, 374n, 383n
- Pilcher, James B., 454, 531–534
- Port Arthur, 246
- Powell, John W., 468–470, 659n
- Powell, Sylvia, 468n, 469n, 659n
- Pride, Vice Adm. Alfred M., 48, 120, 181
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 386
- Prochnow Committee, 386, 660n
- Quarles, Donald, 260
- Quemoy, 13, 205, 395–396, 555
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 13n, 70, 426, 458–459
- Raghavan, Nedyan, 318
- Rankin, Karl Lott, 119n, 179, 380n, 395n, 629
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese in U.S. prisons, 373–374
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 395–397
- Force, renunciation of the use of, 175–176
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 279–282, 641, 643–644
- Red Cross, American, 428
- Refugee Relief Act (1953), 8
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 380n
- Reynolds, Sgt. Robert G., 524–525, 533, 539, 541
- Rhee, Syngman, 16, 655, 669–670
- Richards, James P., 10–11, 101, 607, 612, 616, 618, 624–629
- Robert Island, 379n, 380
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 155
- Robertson, Walter S., 17, 32n, 38n, 75n, 86n, 87n, 90n, 92n, 97n, 103n, 116n, 124n, 143n, 162n, 173n, 177n, 185n, 189n, 205n, 208n, 221n, 224n, 270n, 284n, 295n, 303n, 309n, 353n, 361n, 374n, 380n, 383n, 421n, 425n, 454–455, 520n, 581n, 660n
[Page 687]
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 204–205, 288, 290, 489
- Chinese students in the United States, 23–24
- Force, renunciation of the use of, 138n
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 101, 112, 131–132, 144n, 201–212, 220–221, 297–298, 300
- Plane incident, 426
- Two-China question, 110
- United Nations, 456
- Rountree, William M., 362n
- Sastroamidjojo, Ali, 250
- Saudi Arabia, 589
- Schuman, Julian, 468n, 469n, 659n
- Sebald, William T., 38n, 44n, 50n, 54n, 55n, 57n, 66n, 70n, 75, 86n, 87n, 92n, 97n, 116n, 124n, 143n, 162n, 173n, 177n, 185n, 205n, 206n, 208n, 221n, 256n, 270n, 284n, 303n, 309n, 421n, 425n, 514
- Shao, C.C., 120n
- Silvercruys, Baron, 82–83
- Singapore, 255, 509
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 60n
- Smythe, Gen. George W., 49, 91–92, 181
- Southeast Asia, 337–338
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 249, 378–379
- Soviet Union:
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of, position toward, 111
- Economic assistance policies, 337–338
- Foreign policy, 327–330, 342, 344–346
- Peace offensive, 345
- Political situation, 330
- Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals, role in, 44, 53–54
- Tuapse incident, 172–173
- United States, relations with, 171–173
- U.S. diplomatic recognition, 559–560
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 81n, 82–84, 667
- Special National Intelligence Estimates. See under National Intelligence Estimates.
- Spratley Islands, 380–381
- Sprouse, Philip D., 84n
- Starzel, Frank J., 514
- Stassen, Harold E., 212–213, 306, 616
- Stevens, Edmund, 462, 470, 473–474
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 51n, 92 282n, 283–284
- Suhrawardy, H.S., 448–451
- Sulzberger, Arthur H., 520n
- Sulzberger, Cyrus, 416
- Sun Li-jen, Gen., 69–70
- Sun Yat-sen, 343
- Tachen Islands, 205, 395n, 648n
- Tactical missiles, U.S. deployment of. See under China, Republic of.
- Taiwan (see also China, Republic of):
- Taiwan Defense Command, U.S., 396, 525
- Tan, S.H., 369n
- Tateng, 203–204
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell B., 13, 316
- Thailand, 324, 509
- Tibet, 551, 553, 605
- Tito, Josip Broz, 166
- Tong, Hollington, 528–529
- Tseng Kuang-chih, 571–572, 579
- Tuapse incident, 122, 172–173
- Turkey, 442–443
- Two-China issue, 110–111, 548, 642–643, 670–671
- United Kingdom (see also U.K. subheadings under other subjects):
- United Nations, 456
- United Nations Charter, 104, 194
- Article 51, 270
- U.S. Embassy, Taipei, attack on, 525–543, 589, 624–627
- U.S. Information Service, 530
- U.S. Taiwan Defense Command, 396, 525
- U.S. Watch Committee, 288
- Veterans’ Administration, 629n
- Viet Minh, 233, 252–253
- Vietnam, 671–672
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 502
- Vietnam, Republic of, 324, 329, 332, 377–381, 399, 508–509
- Vu Van Mau, 380–381
- Walsh, Bishop James E., 99
- Wang Ping-nan, 79n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese nationals in the United States:
- Force, renunciation of the use of:
- Geneva talks between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, 5, 95–96, 229–230, 259–267
- Judicial assistance, 659
- Repatriation of Chinese and U.S. nationals:
- Taiwan, 216–218, 259–267, 271–274, 278
- Wang Shu-ming, Gen., 68–69
- Weeks, Sinclair, 227
- Wiggins, J. Russell, 575–577
- Wilson, Charles E., 210–212, 614–616
- Wirin, Abraham L., 468–470, 476, 636
- Woody Island, 378, 379n, 380
- Worthy, William, 461–462, 470, 473–474
- Wuchiu Islands, 340
- Yeh, George K.C., 464n
- Yen, C.K., 637–639
- Yinshan Islands, 340
- Young, Kenneth T., 380n
- Yu Ta-Wei, 48, 119–120, 201–204, 315–317, 396n, 408n, 457–459, 488–490, 653–657
- Yuan Jui-hsiang, 285, 339
- Zablocki, Clement, 472n