256. Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations1
Tosec 3. For MacArthur.
- 1.
- Reinhardt after consultation French, British colleagues made démarche on reply elections note to Diem and Mau September 25 along lines previously authorized.2 Written démarche summarized paragraph 2 accompanied by oral statement to effect Vietnamese being urged take following action in replying Viet Minh complaint transmitted 21st by British Ambassador Saigon in order strengthen U.S. and free world hand in countering Viet Minh and Soviet charges Vietnamese failure consult as scheduled Geneva Agreement.
- 2.
Summary written démarche: Suggested actions only minimum steps give appearance consultations technical level in order lessen mounting international pressures and would not in any way compromise Vietnamese or U.S. position Geneva Declaration.
We believe present circumstances require Vietnamese Government address written note British Government, not in capacity Geneva co-Chairman, for optional transmittal “interested parties” concerned.
In this note Government should take official cognizance communication from “authorities at Hanoi” transmitted by British Government, reaffirm it in favor absolutely free elections and eventual reunification Viet-Nam, restate conditions essential for free expression national will, and refute Communist arguments in Viet Minh note.
Government should indicate it actively studying additional steps broaden popular democratic basis Viet-Nam regime which would permit Government speak authoritatively for Vietnamese people. Note might add UK, itself devoted to democratic principles and institutions, will recognize such development as essential prerequisite. End summary.
- 3.
- Diem, Mau fairly receptive, requesting time study ascertain whether proposed action consistent previous Vietnamese elections and consultation position.
- 4.
- French Foreign Office informed and reacted favorably.
- 5.
- British and Vietnamese Embassies informed here. We asked Vietnamese Ambassador study U.S. proposal and communicate his support U.S. démarche directly to Diem, Mau.
- 6.
- Reinhardt requested Secretary send personal statement Diem in support by 28th. We are preparing draft message for Secretary’s consideration.3
- 7.
- Above might be useful in New York talks British, French, since our action in line their general positions.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.00/9–2655. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Hoey and Byrne. Dulles and MacArthur headed a team of advisers and working group members at the U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York engaged in tripartite discussions with the French and British Foreign Ministers attending the Assembly sessions. Dulles and the team were in New York, September 26–28. (Tentative list for New York tripartite meeting as approved by Dulles, August 23; ibid., Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627, CF 544)↩
- That authorization was transmitted in telegrams 1012 and 1030 to Saigon, September 23 and 25. (Ibid., Central Files, 751G.00/9–2055 and 751G.00/9–2655)↩
- This draft message, which was not sent to Diem, is in Tosec 7 to New York, September 27. (Ibid., 751G.00/9–2455)↩