
Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the President1



  • Suggestion for Mission and Letter to President Rhee

In response to the suggestions made by General Ridgway and Ambassador Muccio2 for action from Washington which will assist their efforts to prevent President Rhee and other members of the Government of the Republic of Korea from making statements or taking actions which jeopardize the possibilities of attaining an armistice, I submit for your approval a draft of a letter from you to President Rhee.3

You will note that this letter provides for its delivery by a special representative to be designated by you who will discuss the matter in detail with President Rhee and other members of the Government of the Republic of Korea.

In order to unmistakably impress President Rhee with the extreme gravity with which the United States Government views this matter, it is suggested that this representative should be an individual of the highest caliber and greatest possible personal prestige in the eyes of President Rhee. I suggest that Admiral Chester W. Nimitz would be a suitable person who might be available to undertake the mission.

For your ready reference there is also attached a copy of President Rhee’s letter of July 28, 1951 and your reply thereto,4 to which reference is made in the attached draft letter.

Dean Acheson
  1. This memorandum was drafted by Johnson. After the signature on the source text was typed the following note: “You might wish to talk with Lovett and me about the individual before you decide. We are checking with the JCS to see whether they have any views. DA.”
  2. In telegram 807 from Pusan, Feb. 15, 1952, not printed (795.00/2–1552); see footnote 4 p. 60.
  3. The draft letter, not printed, is virtually the same as the letter sent on Mar. 4, p. 74.
  4. For the text of Rhee’s letter to Truman and Truman’s reply, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. vii, Part 1, pp. 745 and 774.