795.00/2–252: Telegram

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief Far East (Ridgway)1

top secret

JCS 902158. From JCS reur CX 64241.2

Re part 1. We concur strongly in your view that ROK compliance with armistice agreement must be assured and are urgently studying questions raised therein. Particular attention is being given to suggestion that ROK agreement to continue its forces under UNC beyond period actual hostilities be obtained. However, considered here questionable [Page 70] whether formal agreement should be sought at this time, particularly in view of high emotional and unstable state of opinion of Rhee and ROK. Also to seek formal agreement at this time would appear to give ROK opportunity to impose conditions unacceptable to UNC and further jeopardize achievement of armistice. We feel that most effective way of handling problem is to intensify efforts to keep ROK in line during armistice negotiations, to present ROK with armistice as fait accompli, and then take strongest measures to assure ROK compliance. Believed here that at that time Rhee can most effectively be persuaded that continued presence of UN Forces in Korea and supply and training of ROK Forces which are essential for security of ROK will inevitably be influenced by full ROK cooperation, including retention of ROK Forces under UNC control until conditions in area of Korea permit their relinquishment.
Re part 2. Most urgent consideration being given to type of top level approach to Rhee that will be most effective.
Decisions reached re foregoing will be transmitted soonest.
  1. This telegram was initialed in draft by Truman; draft copy is in file 795.00/2–2752.
  2. Dated Feb. 25, p. 59.