695A.0024/3–253: Telegram
The Ambassador in Korea (Briggs) to the Department of State
1092. Subject: Anti-Communist Korean POW’s and Relevance Thereof to Psychological Warfare and to Development of Defector Program.
Please read immediately following message1 in connection with my telegram sent Saturday night, February 282 to Secretary State through CIA channels in Seoul, in which I urged early consideration of POW [Page 803] project developed by our military authorities in Seoul and referred by them to Tokyo on February 27. I also refer to my telegram 792 of December 25 from Pusan,3 discussing this general subject; although I have had no reply to telegram 792, word reaching me indirectly is that views expressed therein have merited consideration.
Purpose of this and following telegram is to urge that now is time to take action to exploit non-Communist POW’s, without which action defector program together with substantial part psychological war activities have been handicapped if not shackled.
If my information correct, groundwork and planning in Washington and on appropriate levels of High Command already well-advanced. Lacking are policy decisions rather than detailed plans, and once decisions taken, implementation should follow promptly.
In order obtain maximum capital from decision to release non-Communist Korean prisoners, believe announcement from highest possible source desirable.