Matthews files, lot 53 D 413: Telegram
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief Far East (Clark)
JCS 931742. From JCS re JCS 931724.1 Fol is text of resolution on POWs adopted by Executive Comte League of Red Cross (RC) Societies, 13 Dec 52. Subj resolution introduced by Indian RC approved by 15 to 2 Soviet and Chi Commies dels opposed: “Whereas RC stands for world peace and whereas it is pledged work for international good will and understanding by means of humanitarian service, mbers of Exec Comte of League of RC Societies assembled Geneva regret greatly that hostilities still continue Korea, causing untold devastation, suffering and sorrow. They appeal again to countries concerned not to rest content until ways and means are found which would bring about cessation of hostilities. The services of League are, as always, at disposal of world in field of service to mankind which is so specially theirs. They ask belligerents as goodwill gesture in first instance take immed action implementing Geneva convs, by repatriating sick and wounded POWs in accordance with appropriate arts of Geneva convs.”