320/11–2152: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Department of State


Delga 237. Dept pass Ottawa, eyes only Secretary; rptd Ottawa 2. (Limited distribution.) Re Korea. Developments re Korea in GA today not encouraging. Despite strong efforts, we failed to obtain agreement of 21 co-sponsors to stand together in support of necessary amendments to Menon res, and to give priority to it only on that condition. (See separate tels.)1 UK and Canada succeeded in delaying decision of cosponsors, [Page 665] to allow time for discussion of proposed changes with Menon. Together with New Zealand rep, they pressed for another mtg of cosponsors Mon. Matter was left that Spender wld set date of mtg, and under our prodding he is now attempting to see if one cannot be arranged for Sun evening. We stressed problem presented by fact you are speaking Mon p.m.;2 UK and Canadians have suggested your speech be postponed to Tues. We have given them no encouragement.

Meanwhile we understand Pearson has discussed suggested amendments with Menon, who is “thinking them over”. They meet again Sat morning.

Spender’s speech in comite 13 today included foll:

“Therefore I suggest for the consideration of the comite that we shld adopt the course of agreeing at the appropriate time to consider first the res of the Indian del, which the comite can mould to its agreed will with suitable amendments. Until we can ascertain whether agreement in Korea can be reached on the basis of this res, other resolutions which have helped a great deal might be deferred.”

Czech del concluded his statement4 with remark his govt reserved its position re Indian res.

  1. Telegrams Delga 236 and 238, both Nov. 21, 1952, neither printed (320/11–2152).
  2. Nov. 24.
  3. For text of Spender’s speech, see UN document A/C.1/SR.527.
  4. For text of the speech of the Representative of Czechoslovakia, Frantiesk Komzala, see UN document A/C.1/SR.527.