795.00/1–3152: Telegram
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway)
operational immediate
JCS 91602. From JCS. For your info text of jt declaration re para 1 JCS 916001 follows:
“We the UN mbrs whose mil forces are participating in the Korean action support the decision of CINCUNC to conclude an armistice agreement. We hereby affirm our determination fully and faithfully to carry out the terms of that armistice. We expect that the other parties to the agreement will likewise scrupulously observe its terms.
“The task ahead is not an easy one. We will support efforts of UN to bring about an equitable settlement in Korea based on the principles which have long been established by UN, and which call for a united, independent and democratic Korea. We will support UN in its efforts to assist the people of Korea in repairing the ravages of war.
“We declare again our faith in the principles and purposes of the UN, our consciousness of our continuing responsibilities in Korea, and our determination in good faith to seek a settlement of the Korean problem. We affirm, in interests of world peace, that if there is a renewal of the armed attack, challenging again the principles of UN, we should again be united and prompt to resist. Consequences of such a breach of armistice would be so grave that, in all probability, it would not be possible to confine hostilities within frontiers of Korea.”2