No. 758
The Deputy Secretary of Defense
(Kyes) to the
Secretary of State1
Dear Mr. Secretary: While you were in Berlin,
the National Security Council discussed the proposed Revised Directive
for the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands. Since there
were certain aspects of the proposed directive still unresolved between
our departments, and in recognition of your previously expressed
personal interest in this matter, the President decided to defer further
consideration until your return. More specifically, NSC Action No. 1047, resulting from its
meeting of 17 February 1954 on the subject, reads as follows:
Since this question remains unresolved, it has been impossible for this Department to issue what is felt to be much needed revision [Page 1638] of the current directive. It is my view that the proposed directive agreed upon by representatives of the Departments of State and Defense at a meeting on 15 February 1954 should be issued. In order that the civil administration in the Ryukyu Islands may be facilitated, it is hoped that the Departments of State and Defense may be able to arrange for a discussion with the President in the near future so that a final decision may be made.2
Sincerely yours,
Filed with a covering note dated Apr. 19 from Kyes to Smith. The note reads: “This has been held up pending the return of the Secretary. We all know that he has been under heavy pressure, but please put this on top of the pile so that he will see it when he first returns.”
Dulles was out of the country Apr. 11–15, and upon his return visited several cities in the United States. On Apr. 20 he left Washington for Paris and Geneva.
↩Attached to Kyes’ letter is the following note, dated Apr. 20 and initialed by Walter K. Scott of the Secretariat:
“The Under Secretary discussed this with the Secretary and with the Deputy Secretary of Defense Kyes by phone.
“The sense of the agreement reached with Mr. Kyes was to the effect that an active senior military officer from the Armed Forces would be appointed to head the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands; the appointment to be made by the President after considering the recommendations of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense.”