Tokyo Post files, 320.1 Bilateral Security Treaty: Telegram
No. 527
The Assistant Chief of Army Staff for
Operations (Jenkins) to the General
Headquarters, Far East Command, in Japan1
operational immediate
DA 901763. JCS have forwarded memo2 to Secy Def summarizing their views on Art 22 of Admin Agreement. Pertinent extracts this memo fol:
- “1. JCS have studied C 639193 from Johnson relative to status of negotiations on Art 22 of Admin Agreement. They have also reviewed Rusk 14,4 28, and 29.5
- “2. JCS, from strictly mil point of view, believe United States security interests would best be served by adherence to substance of Art 22 as set forth in negotiating draft, or as proposed in their memo dated 11 Feb.6 On other hand, they recognize that political considerations may be overriding inasmuch as whole hearted support of Jap auth and people is fundamental to effectiveness of any agreement achieved.
- “3. JCS also prefer proposed ‘water-down version’ rather than ‘generalized version’. It appears, however, that Jap Governmental auth consider ‘water-down version’ unpalatable in some respects. Further, if publicized, this version might precipitate public discussion unfavorable to United States, which possibly could lead to fall of present Yoshida Government. Also, it seems that if Jap people learned that Jap Govt had acceded to this agreement under pressure result would, in all probability, have adverse effects upon future United States-Jap relations and upon favorable position now enjoyed in Japan by United States Armed Forces.
“4. JCS note views of Gen Ridgway that in his opinion ‘generalized version’ is adequate from mil viewpoint and further that he recommends its acceptance. They also note ‘generalized version’ this art is acceptable to Rusk and Johnson. In view all of foregoing, JCS, while, from a strictly mil point of view preferring inclusion of specific provisions for establishment of a combined command and designation of a United States commander thereof, recognize that political considerations may be overriding. Accordingly, and in light of such considerations, JCS now interpose no objection to adoption of ‘generalized version’ proposed to become Art 22 of Admin Agreement, which reads as fol:
‘In the event of hostilities, or imminently threatened hostilities, in the Japan area, the Govts of the US and Japan shall immediately [Page 1188] consult together with a view to taking nec joint measures for the defense of that area and to carry out the purposes of Art 1 of the Security Treaty.’”7
- Telegram marked “Pass to Rusk and Johnson for info.”↩
- Dated Feb. 20.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 523.↩
- Telegram 1649 from Tokyo, Document 500.↩
- See Document 523.↩
- Document 508.↩
- This text is identical to the final wording, except that “carry” was replaced by “carrying” in the final text of what became Article XXIV.↩