No. 298
Memorandum by the Assistant
Secretary of State for European Affairs (Merchant) to
Roderic L.
O’Connor, Special Assistant to the Secretary of
Returning on the plane the Secretary told me that he desired no full memorandum of his talk with Eden late in the afternoon on September 17 regarding China1 but that he would dictate a short memorandum of it himself.2 I told him that I would send you my [Page 650] handwritten notes to be kept in his file for possible future reference. The participants on our side were the Secretary, Ambassador Aldrich and myself throughout. On the British side there were Eden, Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick3 and Denis Allen4 throughout. About midway in the conversation (which started at 5:30 p.m. and ran for forty-five minutes) Selwyn Lloyd and Sir Harold Caccia joined the group.
In addition, of course, to General Smith and Mr. Hoover I believe that copies of the Secretary’s memorandum when dictated should be seen by Messrs. Murphy, MacArthur, Robertson, Key and Bowie.
- The conversation took place in London; for documentation concerning the Secretary’s trip to Bonn and London, Sept. 16–17, see vol. v, Part 2, pp. 1209 ff.↩
No such memorandum has been found in Department of State files, but a telegram from Dulles to Eisenhower, Sept. 18, includes the following paragraph:
“On the China matter, we met on restricted basis. Eden listened with intense interest but was totally non-committal which was natural. He remarked that US action to defend Formosa was understandable and would have wide approval but that the same was not true of Quemoy and other islands near the mainland. I explained large psychological and lesser material relationship of these islands to Formosa but I fear he was not totally convinced. He will let me know shortly his views re appeal to UN.” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, Germany file)
- British Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.↩
- William Denis Allen, British Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.↩
This conversation took place in London, Sept. 17, at 5:30 p.m. Participants at the meeting were Eden, Kirkpatrick, Denis Allen, Caccia, Lloyd, Secretary Dulles, Ambassador Aldrich, and Merchant.
According to a notation in Merchant’s handwriting on his memorandum to O’Connor, above, these notes had been typed from his handwritten notes, which he then destroyed.