
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State1


Memorandum Of Conversation With Mendes-France


  • Indochina

Mendes-France said that he agreed that we should back Diem as Premier. However, he doubted that he had the necessary qualities. Mendes-France admitted however that he saw no one else who did have those qualities. He said he realized that Diem was somewhat anti-French. He did not blame him for this and recognized that any successful leader in Vietnam would have to be somewhat anti-French. What worried him was not this quality, but the apparent lack of administrative qualities and ability to get along with others. He would however give Diem a good try.

He referred to Bao Dai. I mentioned that Heath was on his way to see Bao Dai with a view to getting him also to support Diem. Mendes-France said he felt that Bao Dai was about played out and had little more influence on the situation. He said that Bao Dai could be very largely ignored, except that he was useful from the standpoint of giving “legitimacy” to the Government of Vietnam.

John Foster Dulles
  1. This memorandum of conversation was transmitted to Saigon in telegram 1389 of Oct. 4 (also sent to Paris as telegram 1235).(751G.00/10–454)