690B.9321/3–2253: Telegram
No. 56
The Chargé in the Republic of China
(Rankin) to the Department of State1
989. Discussions re troops in Burma somewhat delayed by Governor Stevenson’s visit2 but as result talk with President Chiang late last night Foreign Minister asked me to elaborate statement of US position given my informal letter to him dated March 21 (mytel 988, March 21).3 It appears following will meet Foreign Minister’s desires and probably Generalissimo’s:
“The immediate step requested of the Chinese Government is agreement in principle to the withdrawal of General Li Mi’s forces from Burma to the extent practicable. It is understood, however, that in view of the practical difficulties the Chinese Government envisages in the implementation of above agreement, it cannot be held responsible for not accomplishing more than is feasible and reasonable under the circumstances”.
In absence instructions to contrary I intend incorporate preceding paragraph in another personal and informal letter to Foreign Minister3 tomorrow morning.
Foreign Minister pointed out today next step after agreement in principle would be not only reaffirmation Chinese Government orders to Li Mi forces to refrain from attacks on Burmese troops but at same time orders from Burma Government to its forces to cease attacks on Chinese Nationalists; also that Burmese must stop other attacks which Foreign Minister said they have sponsored by supplying arms et cetera to irregular units such as those under Lo H’siang.