796.5 MSP/8–1054
No. 371
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of
State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Secretary of
- Philippine request for meeting of U.S.-Philippine Council
Representatives of the Philippine Government, including President Magsaysay, have made repeated verbal requests to our Embassy in Manila during the past several weeks for a meeting of the Philippine-U.S. Council. On instructions from the Department the Embassy has unsuccessfully sought to convince the Filipinos that no meeting should be held at this time. On July 26 the Philippine Chargé d’Affaires ad interim handed Mr. Drumright a note opposing postponement of a meeting of the Council and stated that the Philippine Government desires “earliest possible implementation of the Mutual Defense Treaty through the convocation of the continuing Council”. (Tab A)1 Magsaysay has stated publicly that he favors Philippine participation in a Southeast Asian Defense Alliance subject to implementation of the U.S.-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty. The Philippine Chargé on August 6 handed Mr. Drumright a note (Tab B)1 again “strongly pressing” for a meeting of the Philippine-U.S. Council at the earliest possible opportunity. Today the Philippine Embassy has handed us a note requesting that a meeting of the Council on a Foreign Minister level be held in Manila a few days before the proposed SEA Conference. The note cites as reasons for a meeting of foreign ministers and not their deputies the precedent set by the ANZUS Council and the importance of policy questions to be discussed. The Philippine Government will shortly present a proposed agenda for the meeting. (Tab C)1
Leaders of the Magsaysay administration have publicly and privately asserted the need for “iron clad” guarantees under the Mutual Defense Agreement before definite commitment to a Southeast Asian pact. Before committing themselves to a regional agreement, the Philippines, recognizing the urgency of collective action, want assurances of what the Philippines can expect from the United States under the Defense Treaty and how the Defense Treaty will fit into a Regional Agreement.
[Page 623]Recommendation:
That we inform the Philippine Government of your acceptance of their proposal for a meeting of the Philippine-U.S. Council in Manila a few days before the SEA Conference provided the SEA Conference is held in the Philippines.2
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On Aug. 13, the Department sent the following message to Manila:
“Simultaneously with Southeast Asian Conference announcement 9:00 a.m. EDT August 14 Department will issue following press release:
“‘The United States and the Philippines have agreed to a meeting of the Philippines-U.S. Council, which was established on June 23 by an exchange of notes between the two Governments. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles will accordingly meet with Philippine Vice President and concurrently Secretary of Foreign Affairs Carlos Garcia in the Philippines on September 4. Matters of mutual concern with respect to the defense of the Philippines will be discussed.’” (Telegram 559; 796.5 MSP/8–1354)