756D.5 MSP/5–2352: Telegram

No. 202
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia


1240. 1. Indo Amb Ali called on Allison May 22 on instrs to state Indo Govt desires:

To negot replacement its current MSA agreement under Section 511a with new or modified agreement similar to Burma agreement 511b.
To handle question of mil aid under constabulary program “separately from MSA”.

2. Amb Ali added that his Govt has decided submit US-Indo Econ and Technical Assistance Agreement (signed Oct 20 [16], 1950) to Indo Parliament for ratification. Allison commented he was glad to note this decision.

3. Allison said he had recently discussed with Secy and with MSA Deputy Director Kenney Indo Govt view on MSA as presented [Page 289] above and by Amb Ali May 6 (Deptel 1188)1 with result he cld state US Govt wld accept in principle a request from Indo Govt along lines set forth by Amb Ali. He declared however that before this question cld receive definitive consideration of US Govt desires of Indo Govt shld first be presented in written form such as note or aide-mémoire.

4. Allison added it is US Govt worldwide practice to have MSA negots conducted by Chiefs of Mission in each signatory country and not in Wash. To this Amb Ali replied his instrs are to handle matter in Wash. He said his Govt’s motive in this is not “to avoid Amb Cochran” but rather “to avoid embarrassment” which Amb Cochran might feel at being asked amend agreement which he himself had previously negotiated. Allison said he saw no reason expect embarrassment to Amer Amb. He declared that from US Govt pt of view it wld not only be normal procedure to have Amb Cochran handle proposed negots but also particularly desirable in view Amb’s long experience Indo and intimate acquaintance MSA issue and all other aspects Indo-US relations. He said he wld of course accept note or aide-mémoire (mentioned para 3) if presented by Amb Ali in Wash, and this paper taken in conjunction with Amb Ali’s conversations on MSA issue wld serve as preliminary basis for subsequent formal negots between Amer Amb and FonOff Djakarta. Amb Ali said he wld present document for this purpose.

5. Re mil assistance it was made clear that grant aid now being supplied for Indo constabulary (under Aug 16 [15], 1950 agreement) wld necessarily be terminated on or before effective date withdrawal Indo assurances under Section 511a. Amb Ali said he understood this and wld submit separate note or aide-mémoire setting forth Indo Govt proposals for disposition undelivered balance constabulary aid.

6. Amb Ali obviously reluctant accept decision negots to be conducted and concluded Djakarta, but expressed his pleasure at being able report Allison’s closing observation that Allison sees no reason anticipate any great difficulty in reaching new or modified MSA agreement.

7. It was agreed that when proposed Indo communications (re para 4 and 5 above) have been presented to Dept, US Govt reply will est basis for negots Djakarta.

8. It is opinion of Dept and MSA that publicity on these and ensuing US-Indo discussions re MSA shld be avoided in interest effective negots.
