United States relations with Indonesia; problems concerning United States military and economic assistance programs; United States efforts to maintain neutrality over the question of Western New Guinea (West Irian)1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. vi, Part 1, pp. 583 ff.

[301] No. 301
The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations

656.56D13/11–3054: Telegram

[304] No. 304
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia

756D.00/12–1054: Telegram

[305] No. 305
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cumming) to the Department of State

756D.00/12–1654: Telegram

[306] No. 306
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cumming) to the Department of State

756D.00/12–2254: Telegram

[307] No. 307
The Ambassador in Indonesia (Cumming) to the Department of State

756D.00/12–2454: Telegram