790.5/12–354: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1


2253. This message FYI and to be discussed only by US personnel.

Department telegrams 2070 Saigon, 161 Phnom Penh, 108 Vientiane and 2155 Saigon, 170 Phnom Penh, 118 Vientiane.2

Reps Manila Pact Govts agreed begin working group Washington December 6 to prepare for meeting Foreign Ministers early next year. We giving thought role which Manila Pact might play to assist Associated States maintain freedom and independence. Indochina problem will undoubtedly be discussed by ministers in exchange views re security SEA area.

Generally we wish encourage members Manila Pact help Associated States all possible ways deal with problems confronting them. However, believe we must handle this carefully since, on one hand, Associated States might get idea Manila Pact salvation all their troubles, and, on other hand, getting other Manila Pact members too deeply involved in detailed problems Associated States might result in confusion making our task more difficult.

[Page 1026]

Assuming Manila Pact Foreign Ministers will in their exchange views agree on seriousness situation IC, believe first step should be guide discussion to agreement that each member should take such individual action as is possible to assist Associated States. For example, in addition US and French aid programs, possible assistance from UK; financial and other assistance from Australia and possibly New Zealand; diplomatic recognition by Philippines followed by consultations designed formulate other means Philippine assistance; diplomatic recognition by Pakistan; Thai-Associated States conversations re control, development and security Mekong traffic, other trade and economic matters, etc.

Another question is to what extent Associated States might actually participate in Manila Pact activities or be associated, formally or informally, with Manila Pact Council and any subsidiary organization e.g. as observers at meetings. We recognize that during next few months at least there might be strong opposition any such association on part certain Pact members in view Geneva armistice agreements and that Associated States themselves might have some doubts about such association. Whether or not Associated States Reps actually participated in Pact activities or attended meetings as observer, we would expect keep them fully informed on informal basis all aspects Pact activities bearing on IC.

Comments requested.

  1. Sent also to Phnom Penh, Vientiane, London, and Paris; drafted by Galloway, Young, and MacArthur, and cleared by PSA, WE, FE, and L. For a draft of this telegram, see p. 1001.
  2. None printed.