Draft Telegram From the Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices1
Department telegrams 2070 to Saigon repeated 161 to Phnom Penh 108 to Vientiane and 2155 to Saigon 170 to Phnom Penh 118 to Vientiane.2
With regard to Manila Pact meeting Associated States described reference telegrams or council meeting after treaty in effect, Department searching practical means for participation either on informal basis or as official observers. Request your views following very tentative ideas FYI:
- 1.
- Situation in Indochina due external and internal Communist threat to three States is appropriate and urgent subject for consideration. Their presence in observer capacity would be desirable, as difficult discuss these matters without them.
- 2.
- Participation three States in any form would require unanimous consent signatories. Basis for inclusion would be immediate importance exchanging views and preliminary ideas on means for effectively implementing Treaty Protocol.
- 3.
- Aside from observer status, active Associated States participation might be arranged through sponsorship by Thailand or Philippines of an Asian study group or ad hoc committee informally connected with Manila Pact and composed of Thai, Philippines and Associated States. This would emphasize Asian responsibility and initiative. It would not involve three States directly in discussions in [Page 1002] view restraints Geneva Accords. Such group could study such problems as: training of Associated States officers; Thai-Associated States conversations regarding control, development and security of Mekong traffic and other trade and economic matters; exchange of intelligence between Thailand and Associated States and improvement communications.
- 4.
- Such study group might be asked by convening powers examine such items as those listed above and prepare recommendations or suggestions for future reference council meeting. Such ad hoc group might later lead to consultative commission or more formal organization these five states to knit SEA contiguous states more closely together.
FYI: UK has several times raised with us and French problem of discussing Indochina at any Bangkok meeting. UK feels situation becoming so dangerous some consideration will be unavoidable yet delicate. UK and French governments also desire tripartite talks with U.S. on Indochina right away.
- Attached to telegram 2253 to Saigon, Dec. 3 (p. 1025), which was sent in its place. The draft is marked for transmission to Bangkok, Manila, Phnom Penh, Saigon, and Vientiane. Drafted by Hoey and Young and cleared in PSA, FE, WE, and L, it is marked for, but does not bear, MacArthur’s clearance.↩
- None printed.↩