689.90D/10–552: Telegram

The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Department of State1


536. In conversation with FonMin2 this morning Zafrulla reviewed current Pak attitudes towards Afghan. He reminded me that I had had a conversation with Gurmani,3 Min of Interior and Min of States and Frontier Provinces, on Friday fol Gurmani’s return from his visit to Afghan frontier, and said that in a mtg held yesterday between [Page 1375] him and Gurmani with the assistance of the Secy of Info4 it was agreed that Pak policy towards Afghan wld be oriented to being most helpful towards the success of Pak Ambassador Shah stationed at Kabul. Ref Delhi’s 48 Oct 2.5

Instrs have been given that Radio Pak shall exercise the greatest care on commenting on events in Afghan and that every effort shall be made to smooth rather than ruffle relations between the two countries.

Zafrulla said he himself expects on his arrival in NY, as Chief of Pak Delegation UN, to renew to the principal Afghan Del the offer he made at last winter’s sesssion in Paris to give most sympathetic consideration to any suggestion by Afghans to trade and particularly to trade between the two countries. He reports that no specific proposals have come forth from Afghanistan nor have there been so far any suggestions of a mtg of minds of those responsible for trade between the two countries to facilitate intercourse and communications. He hopes that Shah while in Kabul may make some forward steps in this direction and that as a result the econ conditions of the people, particularly in South Afghan, will be improved. He offered no comment on Soviet relations between [with?] Afghan.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to New Delhi and Kabul.
  2. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan.
  3. Mustaq Ahmad Gurmani.
  4. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting was Dr. Ishtiaq H. Qureshi.
  5. Same as telegram 1406, supra.