689.90D/7–752: Telegram

The Chargé in Afghanistan (Horner) to the Department of State1


10. In first interchange of views, new First Under Secretary MFA Aziz2 has expressed to me hope his Govt that US will not withdraw its interest in settlement differences between Pak and Afghan.

Earlier in conversation, Aziz had requested my views on merits Afghan case. I informed him that (a) so-called Pashtun State wld be polit and econ non-viable, (b) there seemed to be no ethnic basis for including all of Baluchistan in Pashtunistan, since Baluchis are wholly distinct from Pashtuns, (c) that, in any case, arguments for creation new natl states on ethnic basis are dangerous, and that Afghan, with its mixed population, is particularly vulnerable to possible Sov claims for “return” various [garble] groups, and (d) that present world trend is toward surrender some measures natl sovereignty in favor broader regional politico-econ groupings (I mentioned Benelux in this connection). There was no visible reaction to these presumably unpalatable opinions.

Aziz then asked what my thoughts would be on settlement quarrel with Pak, which he recognized was penalizing this country’s econ, besides being source of weakness for area generally. I replied that I had no instructions on subj from Dept, nor was I fully briefed on current attitude of GOP. However, I thought GOP might be prepared [Page 1368] make econ proposals advantageous to Afghan. Main requirement was face-saving formula. Speaking entirely personally, I wondered whether some form of mixed Afghan-Pak commission on welfare of tribes (not confined to tribes within Pak, since tribes are spread across border, and some of them are nomadic or semi-nomadic) might not meet case. Aziz said he wld like to discuss this possibility with his superiors.

I am uncertain whether conversation stemmed from Aziz’s personal interest in settlement, or whether he was acting on instrs.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Karachi.
  2. Abdul Hamid Aziz.