611.88/9–853: Telegram
No. 365
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in the United
1254. For the Ambassador. Please transmit following personal letter from the Secretary to Lord Salisbury:
Verbatim Text.
“Dear Bobbety: I have been watching very closely recent developments in Iran and Egypt, as I am sure you have. In my talks with the President in Denver yesterday I found that he fully shares [Page 791] my view that there is an opportunity far better than seemed possible a few weeks ago to change to our advantage the course of events in the entire Middle East. I am sending this message with his approval and indeed at his suggestion.
“I think if we can in coordination move quickly and effectively in Iran we could close the most dangerous gap in the line from Europe to South Asia. I am impressed by the new approach of the Shah and Zahedi and I believe that if we can respond with something which involves a new look without abandoning basic principles there is a good chance for a resumption of the old cordial relationship which used to exist between Persia and your country and mine. It might be useful for our officials quickly to begin their consultations on a confidential basis.
“I get the impression that the recent talks in Egypt2 have gone well and that real progress has been made and that the many differences have been narrowed to a point where you will feel that it is possible to go ahead. If we can once get the new relationship under way with cooperation which will show visible signs of benefit in Egypt I think we can place some trust in this producing the permanent good will that we need.
“The President and I are delighted to hear of the rapidly improving health of the Prime Minister. I told the President of Kermit Roosevelt’s good talks with you both.3
Faithfully, Foster.”
- Repeated to Tehran and Cairo. Drafted and signed by Byroade; cleared in draft with the Secretary of State.↩
- For documentation regarding U.S. concern with regard to the Suez Canal Zone, see vol. ix, Part 2, pp. 1743 ff.↩
The Embassy in London reported on Sept. 9 that the Secretary’s letter was delivered that day to the Foreign Office but that Lord Salisbury was not expected to return to London before the end of the week. (Telegram 1019; 611.88/9–953)
Lord Salisbury replied on Sept. 15 with a letter to Secretary of State Dulles, in which he agreed that the situation in Iran looked encouraging, that it had to be taken advantage of, and that, just before receiving Dulles’ letter, he approved a set of instructions for presentation at the Department of State on the Iranian oil problem. (788.00/9–1553) A copy of the British memorandum in question was transmitted to Tehran in telegram 754, Sept. 11. (888.2553/9–1153)