684A.85/9–2454: Telegram
No. 898
The Ambassador in Jordan (Mallory) to the Department of State1
109. While yet no public admissions appears to be increasing realization by responsible leaders in this part Arab world some settlement with Israel should be made. Many private discussions so indicate. Public reaction to statements of possible peace talks, to recent announcement Selwyn Lloyd in London, et cetera are less violent than would have been true six months ago. Believe possible initiate talks within reasonable period perhaps less than one year providing Israel ceases her constant excitation public opinion here, especially raids by Israeli army. Basic issue is simply belligerent Israeli attitude and policy. Unless Israel willing contribute some measure restraint in return for prospect of peaceful settlement appears useless for major powers keep devising gimmicks and approaches. Whether self engendered or forced important that quiet ensue.
Re Deptel 1232 and possible second démarche tripartite proposals: Utility: Believe succession of démarches without force behind them neither persuasive for Israel, needed by HKJ which wishes use UNTSO machinery nor helpful for United States prestige.
Timing: Many reasons indicate postponement. Israel’s return MAC, which also necessary for reduction tension, will not come before Commander Hutchison’s departure. See no reason for démarche [Page 1660] before then and one which followed too closely would be unwise. Both US and Jordan will hold elections soon. General Burns has suggestions to make and according newspapers September 22 Britain good offices are available to facilitate “direct or indirect” talks between parties. Next démarche should be made only after result of General Burns and British approaches known.
Comment: HKJ supports UNTSO machinery and will not go beyond it, if ever, until Israel cooperates in UNTSO. Once Israel back in MAC, next démarche needs present specific objectives and have teeth for enforcement. US aid should figure largely as instrument. Reference telegram full and even increased performance by UNTSO necessary. Any legalistic circumscription by Israel on such grounds as supposed infringement sovereignty defeats our purposes.
Most fruitful course would appear informing Israelis our continued support and friendship will be strictly conditioned upon their achieving requisites peace on border. Once done we can probably later move Arabs to discussions especially through Jordan and Egypt.
- Repeated to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, London, Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, and Jidda.↩
- Printed as telegram 173 to Tel Aviv, Document 896.↩