784A.5/8–2954: Telegram

No. 877
The Chargé in Israel (Russell) to the Department of State


209. New York Times correspondent has informed Embassy Eban said following in talk with him Friday: Israel shocked and angered at US policy of winning Arabs by arms while leaving Israel in refrigerator. [Page 1632] It is fine if US succeeding with Arabs but it cannot be broker if it has lost Israel. It must now win Israel—by giving arms. US must be able to demonstrate concretely to Israel public that situation has improved. If nothing is done now to back up Dulles’ expressions of understanding of Israel’s plight, a worse situation than ever will exist in US-Israel relations. Israeli Government sees US getting in same position re Egypt as British have in Jordan, i.e. throwing away its cards, losing its influence, by not demanding quid pro quo in advance. As result of present policy, US is “picking up the check” on both ends: Giving economic aid to Israel to overcome effects of blockade while giving economic aid to Egypt which is carrying out the blockade. Israeli Government not requesting a guarantee of its border but would be interested in seeing what US had to suggest.

Jerusalem Post carries following editorial this morning with internal evidence of Eban authorship: Nothing could be more strange than spate of rumors that flowed last week from Arab capitals (other than Egypt) or from American sources and routed thence to those centers, of moves towards agreement between Israel and Egypt, the suggestions presumably coming from the US. Who is responsible for this war of nerves and what is to be gained by it? It might suit the book of those in the State Department who are intent on arming Egypt and yet welcome the stories of peace moves as a counter-weight to the attempts of the friends of Israel to question the wisdom of arming the Arab states. For here is “evidence” that possibility of peace between Israel and Egypt is now solidifying as result of new atmosphere created by America’s pro-Arab policy. This, of course, is a far cry from genuinely influencing Arabs in this direction at present time. Explanation being that to do so would destroy whole effect of attempt to win confidence and good will of Arab world. As for Arabs, rumors for external consumption cost nothing and enable them to pose and strut as moderates being armed to the teeth, with organized opposition to the moves by friends of Israel neutralized by a flow of words. In the long run net result could well be an attempt by Western powers to present Israel with a fait accompli.

Post carries brief front-page item that Eshkol, Minister of Finance, and Dayan, IDF Chief of Staff, had three-hour closed meeting with Ben-Gurion at Beersheba yesterday.

There are many evidences that line authorized by Department (Deptels 77,1 109,2 111)3 has influenced a number of IG leaders to [Page 1633] reappraise Israel policy of all-out attack on US policies, to consider advisability of seeing what concrete proposals US might make following Secretary’s talks with Eban, and to give US chance to capitalize during the next few months on its increasing influence with Arab states in effort bring about amelioration of Arab attitudes toward Israel. First two paragraphs above, together with developments reported Embassy telegram 190, indicate Eban giving support to Lavon and other intransigeants. S. Z. Abramov, President Israel-American Friendship League, who has recently been critical of US, yesterday said he would strongly urge leaders of American Jewry be asked to support those in IG now taking moderate and cooperative position.

Following receipt Deptel 109, I told Foreign Ministry I would be happy to see either Eban or Prime Minister at their convenience. I am seeing Eban at lunch August 31. Department may wish strengthen Eban’s appreciation of points made Deptel 109 by also forwarding them through Israel Embassy Washington.

Since persons in Foreign Ministry have stated (to New York Times correspondent) that line which Chargé has taken with them is of interest but some question whether it fully represents Department’s position, affirmation of this to Israel Embassy might also be useful.

Prime Minister informed me this morning he will see me at noon tomorrow (August 30). This will be immediately prior Knesset debate on Israel-US relations. I intend stress points I made with him (Embtel 150)4 had full Department authorization. I would appreciate Department’s approval to add that while no further statement re border guarantee or arms aid policy is possible now, I can give assurance fullest attention is being given to following up on Secretary’s statement of sympathetic appreciation of Israel’s desire that its own security not be threatened by efforts of free world to strengthen area against outside aggression.5

  1. See footnote 3, Document 848.
  2. Document 874.
  3. See footnote 1, Document 871.
  4. Document 858.
  5. On Aug. 29 the Department indicated its approval of the Embassy’s using the language suggested in the last paragraph of telegram 209. (Telegram 114 to Tel Aviv, Aug. 29; 784A.5/8–2954)