683.84A322/8–454: Telegram
No. 850
The Secretary of
State to the Embassy in
60. As introduction his remarks to Secretary today reported by separate telegram2 Eban said Israeli mood of concern and apprehension had been increased by recent conversation Russell with Sharett in which Russell had unexpectedly raised Banat Yaqub question in negative fashion. IG stunned by this unprovoked démarche which seemed indicate US opposed to project itself. Ambassador contrasted this with previous constructive attitude Department and assurances we did not wish to see dead hand laid on utilization Jordan waters. Asserted report by international experts [Page 1600] sent out by UN Secretary General had endorsed project with certain safeguards which Israel would be prepared accept. Pointed out Israel had agreed to “temporary stoppage” of work on project at Security Council request but this “temporary stoppage” had now lasted eleven months.
Jernegan who was present said there must have been misunderstanding. Démarche re Banat Yaqub had been made because of report circulated at UN Israel contemplated early resumption work in demilitarized zone and because inquiries made at working level in IG had resulted in non-committal replies. We did not intend oppose project as such but were concerned at political repercussions if work unilaterally resumed without approval UN authorities and in absence overall agreement on Jordan development.
Eban expressed appreciation for clarification but insisted Sharett had obtained different and completely negative impression.