684A.85/4–1054: Telegram

No. 789
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1


5344. British Embassy informs us Churchill has sent personal message to Sharett urging restraint in present Palestine situation and asking that Israel renew participation in Mixed Armistice Commission. We believe desirable that Secretary send similar message.

Following text suggested for consideration by Secretary on arrival London:

“Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

“I am much concerned at the recent aggravation of the border situation between Israel and her Arab neighbors. Without attempting to assess blame, I think I should tell you of my strong feeling that the interests of peace in the Near East and Israel’s own interests call for the greatest restraint at this moment. I earnestly hope your Government will take all measures in its power to prevent further disturbances on the border.

“I also believe it important that Israel promptly resume participation in the Israel–Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission. I believe firmly that all parties should cooperate fully with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in an effort to work out peacefully the differences which are constantly arising. Since complaints from both sides are currently before the United Nations Security Council, it would seem especially appropriate for Israel at this moment to demonstrate her good will and desire to cooperate by resuming relations with one of the most important United Nations organisms concerned with this situation. Sincerely, John Foster Dulles.”

Request Embassy London endeavor determine whether such message would be in harmony with Churchill message and seek Secretary’s approval its transmission by Embassy Tel Aviv. Notify Tel Aviv direct advise Department and Paris.

In its discretion Embassy Paris may query French Government re its attitude toward dispatch similar communication.

  1. Repeated to Tel Aviv and Paris.