784.00/12–1153: Circular airgram

No. 753
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices1


Since the passage of the UNGA resolution of November 29, 1947 calling for corpus separatum status for the city of Jerusalem and vicinity, the Vatican has steadfastly adhered to that principle as offering the best protection of the Holy Places. It now appears . . . , that the Vatican may be willing to accept something less than territorial internationalization of Jerusalem.

A copy of a memorandum . . . , is attached. It will be noted that “The Holy See, as a provisional measure to remove the imminent danger (to the Holy Places), would be disposed to accept the demilitarization of the zone of Jerusalem within a radius of fifty kilometers”. The provisional nature of the arrangement might be accepted as definitive under certain circumstances (see para 5 of the memorandum). Two formulas are suggested in the memorandum (para 7) but neither appears to contain that degree of practicality necessary to offer some hope of success. Instead, a simpler formula might be for discussions to be held between Jordan and Israel under the provisions of Article VIII of the Jordan-Israel Armistice Agreement, or, possibly, by direct negotiations between Jordan and Israel if the political atmosphere should permit.

Informal discussions with U.S. military officials have revealed that demilitarization of an area within a radius of fifty kilometers [Page 1459] of Jerusalem would affect Jordan and Israel equally. As the radius is diminished, the effects of demilitarization tend to favor Israel more than Jordan because of the importance of Jerusalem as a center for Jordan surface communications. However, it would not seem out of the question to find a way around this difficulty, if agreement in principle were reached.

The Department finds demilitarization of the Jerusalem area an interesting idea and would welcome the opinions of addressees regarding the practical possibilities of such an arrangement. The Department has agreed to speak with the Brazilian Ambassador again in the near future and would therefore appreciate having replies from addressee posts as soon as possible.

As of further interest, a copy of a confidential British Foreign Office Aide-Mémoire, dated October 26, 1953, setting forth British views on the Vatican idea, is also attached.2

  1. Sent to Amman, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv; repeated to Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, London, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and Rome.
  2. Not printed.