120.280/10–2253: Telegram

No. 703
The Ambassador in Lebanon (Hare) to the Department of State1


365. Eric Johnston and party arrived this morning by PanAm. Proceeding Amman tomorrow by military plane. At Prime Minister’s request, Johnston and I called this morning. Proceeding on basis that preferable open substitutive discussion with Jordan and Israel and subsequently with other Arab States, Johnston sought keep discussion general and create favorable atmosphere, stressing sincerity our interest and especially of President in constructive development in area and our willingness be of assistance provided countries of area willing approach present difficulties realistically and with open mind to do their share in seeking solution problems.

Prime Minister expressed appreciation our interest and admiration for President but repeatedly emphasized that we would be in “psychological error” if we were proceed on assumption that economic assistance could be used cure political ills. Rightly or wrongly, Arabs had a clear impression that our interest in their economic betterment had only materialized in relation our solicitude for the welfare of Israel. If we were really going make progress and become positive factor in stabilization of the area, we must make it clear that we had no such ulterior motive and that our interest in the Arab countries had no other implications whatsoever. If we could adopt and follow such policy, the road to Arab confidence and cooperation was open but not otherwise. Arab States would absolutely have nothing do with our economic program if it aided Israel in the process.

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Prime Minister added that, in stressing foregoing, he wished make entirely clear that we need have no fear Arab aggression against Israel. Such was not their intention and preoccupation with their own affairs would in any event preclude their launching any such adventure. Hence, we could help Arab States with no fear that by so doing we might be contributing to the undoing of Israel.

Johnston thereupon outlined certain basic principles guiding his mission and drew parallel Colorado and Rio Grande Rivers which benefitted Mexico. He stressed impossibility fully developing Jordan River without aiding all four countries involved. However, he suggested he would prefer defer discussion details until his return.

Meeting ended on friendly note.

  1. Repeated to Amman, Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, and Tel Aviv.