884A.00 TA/1–953: Telegram

No. 540
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel1


660. Embtel 10642 (rptd Amman 114, Damascus 114, Beirut 151). Dept can appreciate Israel concern re Yarmuk Project in view public statements reportedly made by authorities Amman. Suggest Emb so inform Israel Govt and supply fol background.

Officers UNRWA and US have been attracted by proposal build storage dam on Yarmuk River near Maqarin Station made by TCA engineer Mills Bunger who heads Coop Water Resources Develop Dept of Jordan Govt. Dam if feasible and otherwise desirable could [Page 1095] apparently provide water for irrigation land on which upwards 100,000 Palestine refugees might be settled. In natural desire utilize any means at hand meet extremely serious refugee problem, considerable enthusiasm generated for project. Important Jordan officials are already understood to have concluded project would provide large-scale develop sorely needed both for refugees and Jordan economy as whole, and Jordan Govt has entered into negots with Syria to ascertain whether agreement that Govt can be reached.

While very much interested in potentialities dam Dept believes insufficient information has been developed permit decision either as to desirability or feasibility dam or serve as point of departure for useful discussions, for example, between UNRWA and Israel engineers. In effort to obtain more info, US on one hand participating with UNRWA and Jordan Govt in surveys Yarmuk Valley and on other has obtained for UNRWA services Tennessee Valley Authority to make desk study Jordan–Yarmuk topography as whole and to analyze alternative proposals for water develop entire region. It may be necessary to keep study and analysis confidential if it involves discussion develop info concerning Israel which Israel would not wish Arab states to have or similar info concerning Arab states acquired in confidence from Arab sources. On basis info supplied by study which we expect receive in 4 months time, however, it is hoped Dept and UNRWA can determine form which regional water develop might reasonably take, subject to technical findings in field as to feasibility, and that data will then be on hand to conduct whatever discussions with Israel might be called for. Dept does not intend draw any conclusions with respect to either advisability or feasibility any regional water develop scheme prior conclusion over-all study.

  1. Repeated to Amman, Damascus, and Beirut.
  2. Document 537.